We will only get one chance to save America from the abyss of a debt crisis. Let us make sure we get it right on day one.
In Part II of this series, Hannes Gissurarson lays out the case that Geir Haarde was unfairly singled out and blamed for the bank collapse in a flawed and biased process.
Hannes H. Gissurarson argues that the whole impeachment process was unjust and that Geir Haarde’s conviction on a fairly trivial charge was legally groundless.
The overall trend in the European economy points in the wrong direction. Therefore, it is a very bad idea to raise any taxes in the EU. It does not matter that the taxes the EU has proposed will fail to generate the revenue that the MEP tax grabbers are hoping for.
Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase, the U.S.’s largest bank, has suggested that in order to allow Green Energy to develop properly, the government may need to seize private property.
Politicians are known for two things: they never do what they should, and they always do what they shouldn’t. First, they do not prevent a debt crisis, then they aggravate it.
France is at a fork in the road, where her political leaders have shrinking maneuverability, where they are running out of time, and where they cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Democrats and Republicans are bickering over the debt ceiling. They will reach an agreement before the June 1st “default” date, but it will only be a stopgap measure. At some point, Congress will face such high costs for its debt that not even the most optimistic investors can trust the U.S. Treasury any longer.
While the stars are lining up for another fiscal crisis in Europe, the ECB’s chief economist fails to even mention the threat. Is the ECB ignorant on what is coming down the pike?
The downgrade by Fitch is a slap in the face for the French government, and especially for Emmanuel Macron.
The official story is that the U.S. economy grew by 1.1% in the first quarter. This number is heavily modified and tells us nothing. We have the real numbers.
Twenty years ago, Central Europe had the lowest birth rate in the EU. The region has seen the greatest improvement in recent years. At the same time, female employment is also at its peak, the at-risk-of-poverty rate is much lower, and real earnings are rising steadily.
While the EPP tried to reassure colleagues that the proposed legislation preventing child sexual abuse does not violate the personal privacy of EU citizens, many MEPs remain unconvinced, calling for different approaches.
The continent is decidedly moving towards the Right. This could mean that the current balance of power in Brussels could radically change in favor of the center-Right in 2024.
New data suggests an elevated risk for stagflation in Europe. Policymakers beware!
America’s states are supposed to be sovereign jurisdictions. Yet when the federal government is their main source of revenue, how independent are they really?
Financial markets are important to governments that need a lot of tax revenue to pay for their welfare states. The problem with taxes levied on financial markets is that they generate unstable revenue.
The more a tax system relies on financial markets, the more volatile and unpredictable those tax revenues will become. There is no doubt that the U.S. government is experiencing that in real time in 2023.
As dangerous as TikTok is, it’s not the only Chinese creation that deserves closer attention.
With a welfare state that dominates their budgets, European governments are exceedingly vulnerable to a recession. When tax revenue declines and entitlements force governments to spend more, the inevitable result is larger budget deficits. What will the ECB do in response to that?
Did Macron speak in the name of Europe, or in the name of France? The key to Emmanuel Macron’s untimely declaration is perhaps to be found in his desire to conform to French opinion, still driven by an old Gaullist reflex.
If government size and employment rate had been the same in 2022 as they were in 2000, the cost of today’s government would have been $47,000 per employed person. That is a lot of money—until we do the same arithmetic with today’s government size and employment rate. Then the cost comes out to $59,700.
Ever since 2015, migration has been a central issue for most European nations. It is expected to become increasingly debated
The 2021 law on Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents against Violence distorted the basic meaning of lawmaking, leading to human tragedies, economic abuse, and child alienation.
The final deal has “made the proposal even worse,” Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers said, denouncing it for laying the foundation for undemocratic migrant quotas while leaving the migratory pressure unchecked.
What is going on in the Mediterranean must be viewed through a much broader lens. Around the world, from southern Africa to South America, China is gaining control of an increasing number of ports.
Economic precariousness and a general assault on identity, from gender to nation, clear the way for the rise of a patriotic, pre-woke, pro-work Left.
The speech professor Tamames gave before Spain’s vote of no confidence presents VOX as the repository of Spain’s post-Franco, democratic general consensus.
Several news sources have raised the volume about a possible systemwide banking crisis. I am not going to contribute to that. In fact, we should all be careful about determining whether or not such a crisis is at hand.
Some MEPs want the EU to enforce an “adequate minimum income” across the union. They clearly have not considered the serious economic and moral price tag for their idea.