Death Toll Rises to Nine from Glacier Collapse in Italy
A mammoth chunk of the glacier atop Mount Marmolada hurled down the mountain at around 186 mph, killing at least 7 hikers and injuring 8 others.
A mammoth chunk of the glacier atop Mount Marmolada hurled down the mountain at around 186 mph, killing at least 7 hikers and injuring 8 others.
The uptick in squatting in recent years comes down to a political drive to leave landlords with little legal recourse.
Christ’s parables, such as “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” “The Sower,” and “The Hidden Treasure” serve as a basis for Fr. Sirico’s advice on investing, enterprise, and the value of hard work.
Former Bolivian President Áñez has been condemned to 10 years in prison. Tertsch has criticized the socialists in parliament and Renew Europe for blocking a resolution in her defense.
On several occasions, Emma Watson has distinguished herself through deliberately militant and feminist statements, especially toward J.K. Rowling. This time she may have gone too far, since some of her detractors do not hesitate to call her a “woke brat.”
Elisabeth Borne seemed to willingly partake in the delicate exercise of navigating among oppositional factions, despite the electric atmosphere in the Palais Bourbon.
In the wake of the war in Ukraine, internal division within the Visegrád group is at an all-time high. The upcoming Slovakian presidency hopes to shift attention away from foreign politics to economic and cultural collaboration.
One of the terrible features of modernity is that we measure everything by the criteria of productivity and success. But we were not made to be productive, nor to be successful, at least not as our world understands such terms. We were made to flourish.
With Russia and China increasingly adopting Western ideological talking points and using them against us, it is time for us to question our commitment to a rhetoric that emulates the effectiveness of socialist countries.
The attractiveness of the Commonwealth is a reflection of the deficiencies in French policy, which for several years has been unable to maintain constructive relations with its former colonies, both culturally and economically.
Strong U.S.-Moroccan relations make it difficult for Spain to gain clear assurances from NATO concerning the security of its north African territories. Insofar as these continue to be treated as a bargaining chip, subject to Morocco’s discretion, Spanish political elites are likely to offer concessions in other areas.
In 2018, in the Balearic Islands alone, 7 tourists died and 24 were seriously injured either from falls or auto-related accidents. In most cases, the victims were inebriated and left alone by their friends.
No leading personality stands out in the rather dull team that Emmanuel Macron has in place. Competent perhaps to manage current affairs—not so much to direct an ambitious political course.
Inflation in energy prices are showing signs of stabilizing; consumer-price inflation is near or at its peak.
Climate activists have been using attempted vandalism of great art works as a new way to stir up emotions. At the increased rate of incidents, it may only be a matter of time until something irreplaceable gets damaged or destroyed.
So long as Germany, Sweden, and Netherlands remain profitable destinations for human trafficking, violence related to human smuggling from Eastern Europe will continue.
Zelensky assured Ukrainians in his regular address later on July 3rd that this was not the end of Ukraine’s defence of Luhansk and that Ukraine’s military would seek an opportunity to recapture the region.
A fire in one of America’s largest LNG export terminals has caused European gas prices to rise even further. The reduced export capacity adds to the pressure of securing enough gas reserves to last the winter.
The 22-year-old shooter is known to the mental-health system. He tried, unsuccessfully, to contact a crisis line shortly before the shooting.
While big-drama issues proceeding from the Supreme Court make their way through the news cycle, an even bigger news story is quietly gaining speed. It is about President Biden and his weakening health.
If you flick through current affairs programming, you’ll find one misfit after another, pushing the most radical Left thought of the moment.
On July 3rd, farmers convened en masse in their tractors and blocked the German-Dutch border. Others protested by dumping manure in front of several public buildings. Reuters reports that on July 4th, they also blocked roads and supermarket distribution centres.