Historic Display of Vermeer’s Paintings Planned by the Rijksmuseum
A description provided by the Rijksmuseum notes Vermeer’s “tranquil, introverted indoor scenes, his unprecedented use of bright, colorful light, and his convincing illusionism.”
A description provided by the Rijksmuseum notes Vermeer’s “tranquil, introverted indoor scenes, his unprecedented use of bright, colorful light, and his convincing illusionism.”
It seems the government of Gibraltar acted irresponsibly by failing to ask for help from Spain in order to respond to an incident of such magnitude.
We should be fueled by a smart and hopeful attitude. It is no coincidence that hope is one of the three theological virtues in Christian tradition. It teaches us that however difficult our circumstances are, we must never fall into despair.
The pipeline component manufacturer Uhlig in Germany is facing insolvency due to exorbitant gas prices, which might delay the completion of the LNG terminals currently under construction.
The expected raising of the interest rate by the ECB sent a short-term positive signal to the stock market.
The Islamist party performed well in urban areas with large immigrant populations. This likely deprived the social democrats of votes critical to winning the parliamentary election.
The target of the strikes was apparently a warehouse storing materials used by Iran-backed militias.
Perhaps people have bought into the various scarcity programs of recent years—the scarcity of social contacts during the pandemic, scarcity of energy, scarcity of food—because it makes them feel alive again.
One of the problems often identified for the Les Républicains party is the gap between the leaders, tempted by centrism, and the militant base, much more conservative.
The Iranian foreign ministry has roundly rejected Albania’s accusation that Iran is behind a cyber attack.
As a result of the gas-intensive drying process of the toilet paper industry, the German company Hakle has now filed for bankruptcy.
Citing environmentalist opposition, French President Macron stated that MidCat “will not solve the European gas problem.”
Although the book is properly a mosaic of voices— two personalities dominate, both on the battlefield and in the documentation. The first is the heroic Christian military commander Hunyadi. The second figure is far less remembered today, the Franciscan friar Saint John of Capistrano, sometimes called the Soldier Saint although the only “weapons” he carried were a crucifix and a banner.
Tomorrow morning, the dawn will rise on an irrevocably changed nation.
The data revealed that the vast majority of older immigrants are the children or grandchildren of Europeans, while the younger immigrant population most often originated from North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.
“This is not a single isolated incident but a consequence of the immigration policy we have had in Sweden. Similar events will become increasingly common if we do not bring about a change after the election,” Rasmus Giertz (SD) said.
On September 4th, the third edition of the Golden Globe Race started, where sailors try to circumnavigate the globe in a nonstop solo race defined as ‘retro’ for relying on pre-1968 technologies.
Who, amid the convulsions of culture wars and legal rights, is standing up for those who suffer the worst consequences of gender dysphoria and the immutability of biological sex?
The watchdog, together with President Zelensky and UN Secretary-General Guterres, advises establishing a demilitarized security zone.
Blessed John Paul I joins the now almost unbroken cohort of holy and blessed popes since the 19th century, after Blessed Pius IX, St Pius X, Venerable Pius XII, St John XXIII and St Paul VI.
Over the past decade, the Visegrád group, with Hungary and Poland at its axis, has acted as a bulwark against left-liberal dominance in the European Union.
A recent poll conducted by YouGov arrived at the conclusion that the sense of grievance among Europeans is so high that social unrest might become an unpleasant reality in the near future.