Russia, Ukraine, and the Fogs of Culture War
The fundamental tragedy of progressive and media malfeasance is that the very real plight of millions of Ukrainians is being lost in the social media roar.
The fundamental tragedy of progressive and media malfeasance is that the very real plight of millions of Ukrainians is being lost in the social media roar.
All pretense of neutrality was dropped when Biden was asked whether U.S. forces would defend the democratically governed Taiwan, to which he replied: “Yes, if in fact there was an unprecedented attack.”
Bishop Schneider questioned the pope’s attendance at a multi-faith event, saying it would undermine the status of the Catholic Church by presenting it in a “supermarket of religions.”
Carrefour raised prices on basic food items between 15% and 30% just before announcing on September 7th that it had created a “shopping basket of 30 items for 30 euros.” Designated items include coffee, oil, rice, pasta, and canned goods.
The EU Parliament characterised the bishop’s arrest as arbitrary, called for his immediate release, and pushed for an end to any legal prosecution against him.
The Federal Reserve announced its intention to continue to reduce its holdings of U.S. sovereign debt and has no plans to return to buying Treasury securities.
52.1% of Slovaks would welcome a Russian military victory over Ukraine, the poll revealed.
The term ‘goblin mode’ has recently entered Internet-parlance, describing an apparently quarantine-inspired attitude of slovenliness and near-abject embrace of circadian-pattern irregularity, novelty-addicted internet scrolling, and abnegation of hygiene, countering Instagram-curated photography with a defeated, devil-may-care nihilism.
Serbia’s pro-life groups recently celebrated a landmark victory with the cancellation of the ‘Europride March,’ scheduled for September 17th. Following organized protests, in which throngs of people gathered several times on the streets of Belgrade, Serbian president, Aleksandar Vučić, was forced to cancel the notoriously sensualist parade. However, exhibitions, film screenings, and a four-day international […]
There are other domains of human life that I believe are best viewed as commons, as emergent, critical societal assets prone to careless destruction by unsustainable use, less tangible than pasture land, but in many ways, much more important in our daily lives.
For the generations of people who knew only Elizabeth as Queen, she held a near eternal place in the political landscape of the UK, Europe, and the world.
By constitutional procedure, a prime minister is elected on a negative-vote premise: unless a majority votes against him, Kristersson will become prime minister.
One way to limit how much insanity one absorbs is to simply limit our exposure. But this is merely a stopgap. One needs interior fortification to navigate the maze of madness, and this fortification can and should range from the silly to the sublime.
In the second in our ‘Occasional Dialogues’ series, Harrison Pitt interviews Peter Hitchens about the Russia-Ukraine war.
Despite differences in their aesthetic grooves, the ‘Ultra MAGA’ Trumpist Republicans of CPAC and the DeSantis-leaning National Conservatives have plenty in common in terms of what they oppose, and what they would prefer to see supplant the current order.
Eighteen weeks into her pregnancy, the 28-year-old creative freelancer based in Florida got tough news. Her in-utero daughter had spina bifida.
Turkey’s membership would grant it additional leverage against the West as well as bolster its economy through ties with Eurasian countries. Currently, Ankara is mired in efforts to bring down its inflation numbers ahead of next year’s elections.
Scientists have discovered an exoplanet covered entirely by water. Interest in such ‘ocean planets’ is high, as they form very likely environments for the development of life.
The connection between anti-hunting attitudes and fascism may, in fact, be a deep one.
The letter’s vision of universality tries to argue for the nation as an important element of a universal moral and ethical vision, but by skipping over the nation entirely when it describes the common good rising from families to the international realm, it reveals its bias against it.
“Doing nothing is the worst option,” the OCDH said. “The pressure from Spain could be decisive in obtaining the release of Mario Josué Prieto Ricardo.”
The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has agreed to African Union (AU) mediated peace talks with the Ethiopian government.