Mexico’s President Attacks U.S. on Human Rights
The Mexican president attacks the U.S. for failing to curtail Fentanyl addiction, Assange imprisonment, and going after Trump.
The Mexican president attacks the U.S. for failing to curtail Fentanyl addiction, Assange imprisonment, and going after Trump.
The British Defence Ministry estimated that the tanks marked a “step change” in capability for Ukraine’s armed forces.
“They are sending their scraps to Ukraine and buying brand new material for themselves, financed with EU money,” a frustrated diplomat complained.
American conservatives can take heart in how [Hungary has] been able to articulate a foreign and domestic policy that resonates with the people.
The EU is under pressure to control illegal migration and secure resource requirements for the green transition. Sending military aid to Niger and Somalia is part of the EU’s strategy to strengthen its presence in Africa.
The Ukrainian government considers the monastery a pro-Russian hotbed and thus intends to expel the monks.
Ukraine called on the people of Belarus to stand up to Moscow.
France goes further than the countries that have already taken the step of banning TikTok for their agents. ‘Recreational’ platforms such as Candy Crush or Netflix may be next.
If passed, the referendum would have enshrined a commitment to a 95% cut in emissions by 2030.
Consumer society and digital technology have demolished our linguistic spaces, shattering our foundational skillset for living virtuously and politically.
If passed, the referendum would have enshrined a commitment to a 95% cut in emissions by 2030.
Consumer society and digital technology have demolished our linguistic spaces, shattering our foundational skillset for living virtuously and politically.
Turkey remains the only NATO member that hasn’t ratified the Finnish bid yet. A vote on Sweden’s, however, was delayed again in Budapest.
The Israeli leader was left with little choice, as he tried to maintain the coherence of his rightist coalition government as well as the social fabric of his country.
The son of first-generation Pakistani immigrants, Yousaf has received criticism for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood despite being on the progressive wing of the party.
The coalition crisis shows that the green policies, which are already causing a populist upset in much of Europe, are now creating instability in one of the EU’s most powerful governments.
Adults will only need to self-declare their desire to legally transition, while teenagers will be able to take their parents to court if they oppose it.
“Ukraine is currently fighting for the whole of Europe. Ukraine’s victory in the war is as important to us as it is to Ukrainians themselves. Ukraine must not fall, because then no country in Europe will be able to feel safe.”—Edvards Ratnieks
Among the groups given a platform at the parliament was FEMYSO, an Islamic lobby group accused of being the youth wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Before agreeing to a post-2035 ban on the sale of traditional cars, the German transport minister negotiated a provision for those running on so-called ‘e-fuels’.
It appears Meloni is hoping to take advantage of the leadership vacuum created after the end of the Merkel era to create a new center-right alliance that can lead the Right to a large majority in the 2024 European elections.
“Anyone who stakes much on passing theories risks being terribly hurt,” the pastoral letter addressing gender transition reads, adding that “the point of the Church’s teaching is not to curtail love but to enable it.”
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