Blasphemy Laws and ‘Hate Speech’: Free Speech at a Crossroads
The roots of oppressive censorship are one and the same. Europe’s ‘hate speech’ laws are a secular equivalent to blasphemy laws—both hinder people from living and speaking freely.
The roots of oppressive censorship are one and the same. Europe’s ‘hate speech’ laws are a secular equivalent to blasphemy laws—both hinder people from living and speaking freely.
Recent highlights of Carlson’s career with Fox News included interviewing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, highlighting the damage done to young people by transgender ideology, and documenting the dangers of plastics.
The EU’s asylum pact imposes a quota system on member states to accept refugees. The Sweden Democrats have declared it a risk to national sovereignty.
All leftist parliamentary groups joined the effort to keep Hungary grounded, signed just a day before Budapest announced a major breakthrough in the negotiations with Brussels on the release of the frozen funds.
The press is now readily anticipating a heated “rematch.” The opening lines certainly suggest there is much drama to come.
Kaili must now endure a criminal probe into allegations of kickbacks received for falsely documenting the expenses of her aides, even while she attempts to have her house arrest lifted.
The report makes no mention of the parents’ role, let alone rights, in their underage child’s ‘decision-making’ regarding his or her sexual options.
Russia finds itself in a better negotiating position than even just two months ago.
“Marine Le Pen will come to power if we are unable to respond to the challenges of the country and if we introduce a habit of lying or denying reality,” President Emmanuel Macron said.
The Commission is satisfied with the reforms, Justice Minister Judit Varga said after a meeting in Brussels, but Hungary is still waiting for the EU’s official acknowledgement.
The UK’s Prevent labeled Shakespeare, Tennyson, Conrad, Chesterton, Tolkien, Chaucer, Kipling, and Milton “key texts” for “white nationalists.” Sir Kenneth Clark’s 1960s BBC TV documentary series “Civilization” was also named and shamed.
With the migrant crisis set to worsen over the summer months, the new legislation promises tougher prison sentences for traffickers and the removal of legal aid provisions for asylum seekers.
Chișinău: those responsible for last month’s insurrection attempt need to be held accountable.
The figures, collected by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), revealed that almost every fourth person living in the country has a migrant background.
“It is necessary to consider whether [it’s] consistent with the freedom of expression,” President Novák stated, questioning the law’s applicability.
If the FPÖ’s successes in state elections are any indication of public opinion, it is clear that increasingly broad segments of the Austrian population also oppose sanctions against Russia, mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, and mass migration.
The foreign affairs chief urged “European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait to signify Europe’s commitment to the freedom of navigation,” even though there are few member states capable of such missions, and even fewer who would do it.
Lu remarked that, as former Soviet countries, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, have no “effective status” as sovereign countries in international law.
According to a Pentagon assessment, ISIS operatives are using Afghanistan as a base for “aspirational plotting” against American and European targets.
While Americans are worried about mental health, election fraud, and government debt, Europeans think that the most important things in America are abortion pills and ice hockey.
The courage of George combined with the inexorable force of his white charger as they form a single centaurial juggernaut of unstoppable power is a perfect portrayal of Christian meekness.
Wednesday, 26 April13:30-16:15Silversquare Europe (Sq. de Meeûs 35, 1000, Bruxelles) Our March event was a panel discussion with policy experts on three of the EU’s controversial