UK Free Speech Group Expelled From East Sussex Pub
Landlord calls in security to eject ‘gender critical’ speaker
Landlord calls in security to eject ‘gender critical’ speaker
Despite opposing the RN, Mayor of Nice advocates a firm policy on immigration.
The withdrawal would mean a treaty change, requiring unanimous support from all member states.
Some pretty foetid things have come about thanks to white, Euro-American action. But there are solutions.
Reporter witnessed Hezbollah members frantically removing batteries from communication devices that had not yet exploded
Local issues may determine the outcome of these elections, but EU-critical parties are looking ahead to the national vote next year.
The financial blow comes on top of the EU withholding €22 billion for the conservative government refusing to implement progressive policies.
The decision comes in response to rising levels of violence from migrants.
The move makes little difference in the EU, where the publications are already banned.
Reducing immigration is necessary for the government to “fulfill our constitutional duties,” migration minister Faber’s letter states.
Brussels wants new Europe-wide bans to include products that don’t contain nicotine.
Despite its significance to the faithful, the pope has no intention of attending the reopening of Notre Dame.
Starmer will have to do more than hand millions of pounds to Rome to convince the public he is taking illegal migration seriously.
Ten similar situations occurred on the French coast during the summer.
Austria suspends election campaign, while Czechia will still hold elections this weekend.
The Italian deputy PM said prosecutors would have sought lighter sentences for “paedophiles and rapists.”
The Syrian had a history of violent crime and was first convicted in 2017.
Lukashenko is a political actor in the worst sense. He only cares about staying in power.
I’m a migrant, but even I know that special tax breaks for immigrants are unfair.
Breton’s letter must be a sign that things are not all well at the top and that other commissioners must be thinking the same thing.
Police said the alleged offences were “not common at all” in the country.
Kyiv is struggling to replenish its forces at a time when Russian troops are advancing.