Russia started the evacuation of 18 settlements around the plant on Friday, May 5. Some observers fear the evacuations are not voluntary.
Russia will be defeated “as Nazism was” Zelensky declared in a speech on May 8th.
A German journalist claims video of climate protesters has been doctored to make an arrest look worse than it was.
Moscow’s military parade will be less spectacular this year and some regions have even cancelled them.
Poland is using the Post-Cotonou agreement as leverage for more direct support from Brussels for handling the excess of Ukrainian agricultural products in Poland.
According to the data and predictions of economists, the worst of the inflation spike may have passed but interest rates will still go up in the coming months and banks will be hawkish, imposing the tightest requirements for lending since 2011.
Federal police, on May 5th, searched Bolsonaro’s home, seized his cell phone, and arrested six of his former collaborators.
“There’s a feeling that this has never been seen before,” said Ramón Armegol of Copa-Cogeca. “There is not a drop of hope in Spain.”
“We must be prepared for the Danish presence in the Baltics to be long-term, and there is a need for balancing between having soldiers on the ground and being ready to deploy them from Denmark,” Denmark’s defence minister said.
The Spanish Troop and Sailor Association (ATME) has been critical of Sánchez’s housing measures. Military personnel often have to wait months for housing and are easily evicted if they fall behind on their rent, even in military housing.
The bureau hopes to avoid further litigation over the fund and to dodge another financial scandal. Using taxpayer money to keep the fund going is the least desirable option.
The just-passed reform reintroduces a double criminal scale to punish more serious sexual crimes perpetrated using violence, intimidation, or with the victim’s will annulled, for example, by drugs.