In February, Spain’s National Police raided a flat in Granada that had been consuming an amount of electricity equivalent to 70 flats. The electricity had been lavished on a marijuana plantation that had been responsible for intermittent blackouts in the neighbourhood.
Though Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru are still the global hubs for cocaine production, European drug traffickers have also joined the production side of the drug trade.
The Spanish government has avoided providing details about future projects, except that they will be in the areas of ecological transition, digital transition, hydrogen storage, industrial autonomy, and infrastructure.
The draft law maintains the basic 14-week limit on abortion on demand. Its main thrust is to remove safeguards for women such as the 3-day reflection period, and to force public doctors to perform abortions.
Dissatisfaction with the protocol has been growing among Unionists and in parts of the UK outside of Northern Ireland. Now the polemics of the protocol have conflated with Northern Irish politics.
Of the hundreds of proposals that emerged from the Conference, none are surprising, since they largely reiterate the already-underway progressive agenda.
Women’s rights groups and doctors’ associations quickly responded that the proposed rule was discriminatory and could incentivize doctors to dissuade their patients from having abortions.
Only now, as it becomes clear that Russia is not buckling under the previous sanctions, have countries begun to put the most serious sanctions on the table: those that touch on Russia’s energy empire.
In the end, Putin’s much anticipated speech was an 11-minute reiteration of the propaganda used to justify the war in Ukraine.
In the days following the centre’s opening, the Dator Clinic sent out several Tweets and retweets calling Refugio ProVida “an assault centre.” Some tweets also stated, “we cannot allow this” and “please do something.”
In 2021, Africa was the continent that suffered the most from a lack of basic sustenance, and the only continent in the UN study with catastrophic levels of food scarcity, the highest category.
The fuel shortage is an additional strain on Ukrainians already under fire from Russia, many of whom are travelling either to return to homes they abandoned in the initial fear and shock of the Russian invasion, or to seek safety and shelter in another part of the country.