So long as the Mother Continent is divorced from herself, her daughters, including the United States, cannot be healthy.
The mutual resentments of the past two centuries must be dropped if these countries are to retain their own identities.
Being on the Right can easily become a matter of what to oppose, rather than what to uphold.
Halloween may be a bulwark of tradition in the fight for Europe’s future.
Some pretty foetid things have come about thanks to white, Euro-American action. But there are solutions.
Europe will accomplish far more when it ends its dependency on the United States and stands on its own two feet.
Walt Disney epitomised the American mind and spirit. To understand him is to begin to understand America.
The formation of CANZUK is not an enemy or rival to the European Union; rather, if it succeeds, it will be an eventual victory for the real Europe.
The world to-day needs leaders who are willing to sacrifice their own pleasures and profits for those whom they serve.
Sunday’s long read: Charles Coulombe on America, Europe, history, and monarchism.
The 7th edition of the Bal des Parisiennes will be held on Saturday, June 8th at the Pavillon Dauphine, in Paris.
Americans may cross the water as much as they like, but it is an ocean of time as well as space that separates us from our origins.
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