On the southern tip of Greenland, ice floes used by polar bears to hunt are absent for up to eight months out of the year: good news for those who worry climate change might one day drive polar bears into extinction.
Inflation in the UK is currently at 9%, its highest in 40 years, and the Bank of England warned it might reach 11% in autumn.
A group of teenage girls was surrounded, groped, and taunted by about 30 African men. When trying to escape, they were told “white women don’t go up here.” The incident rekindled the discussion on integration of migrants in Italy.
A recent U.S. intelligence report claims that Vladimir Putin is “definitely sick,” received cancer treatment in April, and survived an assassination attempt in March. But this isn’t the first time such rumors have been voiced.
After 15 years of research, the discovery of the HMS Gloucester, which sank in 1682 carrying James Stuart, has been announced. Experts call it “the most important maritime discovery since the Mary Rose.”
Former ombudswoman Denisova has since admitted having “maybe exaggerated” in her stories, but wanted to “achieve the goal of convincing the world to provide weapons and pressure Russia.”
One day after being confronted by the Bishop over allegations of abuse, Christof May, the head of the Limburg seminary, was found dead.
Kyrgyz Health Minister has been arrested on charges of corruption for buying 2.4 million unnecessary COVID vaccine doses worth $19 million. The money was paid to an offshore account.
What has become a common occurrence in Europe, desecrations of churches are now making their way to the U.S. During a robbery at a church in Brooklyn, a golden tabernacle worth $2 million was stolen, statues of angels were decapitated, and consecrated hosts were left strewn over the floor.
New studies exposing the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines are published on a weekly basis. But, along with the mounting number of vaccine-related side effects, they are routinely met with silence by the media and politicians.
Director Robert Eggers ventures into the world of Norse legends, blending the borders between myth and meticulously recreated reality. Spoilers ahead!
Released on May 16th and 17th respectively, the undercover footage of the Twitter employees confirmed much of what has been speculated about the tech giant.