The chairman of one of Russia’s largest energy companies has fallen to his death from the 6th floor of a Moscow hospital. While officials are still figuring out whether it was an accident or suicide, an unnamed third explanation makes its rounds.
The head of the ruling PiS party in Poland, Jaroslav Kacynski, announced plans to demand €1.3 trillion in reparations for the damage Poland sustained during World War II, but the German government considers the matter settled since 1953.
Stopping short of a complete visa ban on Russian citizens, the EU decided to suspend the existing agreement that eases visa issuance for Russians. Some Eastern European nations are now considering putting regional bans in place.
The worst flood in over a decade has killed more than 1130 people and affected 33 million citizens. Assisted by the UN Secretary General, the Pakistani government has found the culprit already: Western fossil fuel consumption.
Euro zone inflation, which peaked at 9.1% in August, has reached its highest point since the introduction of the euro in 1999. Amidst fears of entrenchment, the ECB is preparing a major hike in interest rates that may also slow down the economy.
Nigerian advertising will have to feature Nigerian models and voice talent from October 1st onwards. The protectionist ban on foreign models, however, has been reinterpreted as a “ban on white models” in Western media.
Germany’s gas levy was meant to help large energy providers in financial distress, but after learning that successful companies who continue to make billions of profits applied for support as well, the levy will be reworked.
Actor Shia LaBeouf credits experiencing the Latin Mass as a major contributing factor to his conversion to Catholicism. Left-wing media is fuming while issuing a last warning about the “deeply toxic” environment LaBeouf is getting himself into.
The development of a synthetic mouse embryo from stem cells to the stage of developing organs raises hopes among the scientific community that the time for such experiments with human embryos is near.
Kosovo wants to apply for membership in the EU, the Council of Europe, and NATO, but not all EU members recognize Kosovarian independence, which will be an obstacle hard to overcome.
Since late July, fish have been dying in masses in the River Oder, but investigations haven’t yet found the reason for the environmental disaster. The affair has also led to political tensions in and outside of Poland.
New regulations will limit heating in public buildings to 19 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, contractual obligations for minimum temperatures in private apartments are suspended.