If the authorities truly intend to treat Islam with kid gloves in perpetuity, they might as well roll out Sharia law nationwide.
If the Labour Party do accede to power, God help the British Jewish population, because no one in Westminster will.
Nigel Farage’s former political vehicle appears to have polished up its act.
Keir Starmer’s party may have (accurately) identified fighting misogyny as a vote winner, but their track record in this department is nothing short of reprehensible.
A smoking ban proposal tells you everything you need to know about this nominally-conservative government, which quite frankly dishonours the name it fails to live up to.
Any attempt by those in power to tackle the scourge of London knife crime is predictably met by large sections of the Left as another opportunity to play the victim card.
While her rhetoric was encouraging, it’s hard to see Braverman’s hard talk on immigration as much more than a leadership challenge to a beleaguered Sunak.
Starmer claims that “smashing” criminal gangs sneaking people across the Channel should be treated “on a par” with terrorism. However, it’s hard to avoid the suspicion that the violence of his rhetoric is directly proportionate to his lack of sincerity.
The gulf between the facts and the ideological position of BBC fact-checkers is palpable.
The harsh reality of the matter is that the Notting Hill Carnival should be disbanded entirely. Or it should be marketed for what it truly is: a criminal free-for-all that law-abiding citizens should be protected from.
Some crimes are so unforgivable that the majority of decent people will condone execution, despite their natural revulsion to it.
Men competing against women in chess would seem to be eminently sensible if the egalitarians truly believed their hype.