The most basic inspection of the facts leads one to the conclusion that every cog in the immigration wheel is either milking the system, or at the very least working against the interests of the British people.
If Anjem Choudary is convicted of terror charges, anything other than a life sentence will be risible. It’s high time our government got serious on the issue of radical Islam.
One cannot dodge the conclusion that the Labour Party is happy to gloss over serious allegations of misconduct, in order to use the Muslim voting block to gain power.
The Tories have made it as plain as they can: they will do nothing to stop the boats. And not one of them will entertain hosting an illegal migrant, but they’ll make sure you do.
The overt betrayal of the white working-class on the grounds of innate privilege is a contemptible policy. It’s high-time that those in authority put a stop to it.
When English cricket was declared the latest bastion of ‘institutional racism,’ I found it hard to see this as anything other than a propaganda vehicle for the grievance industry.
The death of Nahel Merzouk draws attention to the major dichotomy afflicting Western nations: the lie that diversity is our strength, rather than our downfall.
A Braverman than most, the UK’s home secretary has called upon Britain’s 43 police forces to “ramp up” their use of stop and search in order to “save more lives,” a decision for which she deserves to be commended.
In Nottingham, the police have just been granted an extra 36 hours to question the suspect—that should give us all the chance to start singing “Don’t look back in anger,” before any anger has the bad taste to show itself.
Farage has officially gone public with his intention to re-enter the fray. Whatever else might be said about him, his track record of leading insurgencies is second to none.
Stabbing innocent people is not cowardice; cowardice is sacrificing the nation’s children, rather than face the reality of your own lunatic immigration policies.
In a rare victory for freedom of speech, it is gratifying that the Oxford Union stood by its guns and allowed the address to go ahead.