Isabel Vaughan-Spruce must have presented quite a challenge for the officers: a lone, middle-aged Catholic woman, armed with a double-barrelled surname, silently thinking forbidden thoughts.
Having spent most of my life under the impression that the patriarchy is a myth, I think I’m beginning to see the light.
Bright Horizons sparked outrage with a pamphlet which offers advice on raising “children who identify as female.” It encouraged parents to stop using ‘gender-influenced’ terms like princess and tomboy.
Sterilising works of art and meddling with genius you couldn’t begin to replicate is like replacing Monet with Damian Hirst and then claiming what you lose in beauty, you gain in less discriminatory ink splats.
Immigration is a primary concern among Conservative voters. A staggering 97% of Conservatives and 80% of Brits overall believe that ‘the government is doing a bad job.’
If you stand for everything, you stand for nothing. An ‘inclusive’ Church is a building without roof or doors—it serves no purpose. If the Anglican Church wishes to survive, it would do well to nip this non-binary nonsense in the bud.
Peterson’s enemies try to silence him: the latest attempt comes from the Ontario College of Psychologists, who have ordered him to undergo social media ‘re-education,’ or risk suspension of his licence to practice as a clinical psychologist.
Predictably, this week’s Australia Day celebrations were mired by protest. There were calls, not just to change the date of ‘Invasion Day’ or ‘Survival Day’ as the rebrands have it, but to abolish the ‘Celebration of genocide’ altogether.
It is of course impossible to gauge what proportion of the BBC’s diversity quota is allocated for returning jihadis, but what is clear from Begum’s series is that the current thinking at Broadcasting House is that it’s “best to be ahead of the game.”
The optics of Griner vs. Whelan are impossible to ignore, exemplifying the stark divisions in American society: patriotism vs. anti-Americanism, celebrity vs. the common man.
“So what?” is not Sajid Javid’s usual refrain on the topic, particularly when he believes votes are up for grabs.
It may be just a few words in a book no one reads, but the fact that the purveyors of truth have capitulated to a lie that would not fool a toddler, should terrify any logical thinker.