Gallagher was told that the ideal of treating people on the basis of their character, rather than the colour of their skin, was an “outdated” notion which “could not be tolerated.”
The spurious clamour for quotas is usually matched only by the hypocrisy of those pushing them—and this case is no exception.
The real question we should be asking in terms of illegal immigration is (Suella Braverman aside) whether incompetence is genuinely sufficient to explain Tory feebleness in the face of this problem?
It is simply unacceptable to spend seven years examining the most virulent scourge of our society, and conclude that there are no pieces to connect.
Western leaders pay for these crimes with minor blips in the opinion polls; Europe’s daughters pay with their lives. But those in power have one more trick up their sleeve: to stop us noticing, and to criminalise our speech when we do.
Facing inevitable electoral oblivion, in an odd way, affords the political Right a rare opportunity. With absolutely no chance of keeping Labour out of Number 10 (nor any possibility that they could prove worse), the nation finally has the opportunity to bury the Tories once and for all, and unite behind a genuine conservative coalition.
Her motto: “Never complain, never explain” is something we could all take heart from, not just one or two minor royals.
For all the bluster and promises from Tory HQ, none have the stomach for it. Which means, until there is a sea change in Britain, and the West more broadly, the next attack is a matter of when, not if.