We must fight on all fronts; reinvest in and renew fields that have been neglected: culture, the arts, media, etc. The reconquest of our countries depends above all on the reconquest of our minds.
The French president explained that Volodymyr Zelensky had been “a great war leader” up to that point, but that he now had to complete his transformation into a true statesman, even at the cost of “difficult decisions.”
Everything has been done by the French government to prevent a balanced debate on the end of life, and to ensure a pro-euthanasia outcome.
What could have been a local news item has taken on the scale of a national scandal and revived a long-lasting controversy: can killing a child in the womb of its mother be considered homicide?
In the war currently underway in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon, all blows—even low ones— seem to be allowed.
Thanks to this result, the right-wing coalition led by Meloni is now in charge of 15 of the 20 regions that make up the Italian Republic.
The French public widely supports the nationalisation of the energy company, especially since the country has been plunged into an energy crisis.
Novák considers Meloni a friend “for years.” In an interview for the Italian press, the Hungarian president spoke highly of the Italian prime minister.
An internal audit revealed that on several occasions information was broadcast without having been checked by the channel’s usual control circuits.
The Hungarian position between Armenia and Azerbaijan is delicate. Mutual aid between Christian countries invites Hungary to support Armenia, but Hungary also has strong ties with Azerbaijan as a member of the Organisation of Turkic States.
Only imaginary landscapes and monuments are depicted on banknotes, in order to have common visuals and not to privilege one national culture over another—now questionable choices in terms of monetary security.
In the end, the long-awaited ‘break’ with previous Italian governments did not happen. Will Meloni be able to attract right-wing voters in the next election under these circumstances?