The owner of the newspaper anchors himself in the past of the Occitan region which, according to him, “has always had links with Al-Andalus.”
Carboni’s militant gesture has opened the door for some of the Italian political class to expand the 2019 court ruling into a law authorizing euthanasia.
The visit from the three heads of state was mostly a symbolic gesture, as Ukraine is under an ultimatum from Russia and lacks weapons.
During the June local elections in Italy, Giorgia Meloni welcomed the return of a “healthy [political] bipolarity” with a clearly identified Right and Left.
The Church of Scotland has adopted the language of transgender activism in its rhetoric.
The Czech Republic had tried to authorize same-sex marriage between 2018 and 2021 without success. This time, conditions are more favourable.
A whole section of the French Right seems to have awakened to the reality that high culture is entirely controlled by left-wing ideology, and by people who defend their turf without intending to give up an inch of ground.
These results expose the fragile security of Emmanuel Macron, who certainly won the presidential election with a majority of 58% but remains highly contested in the country, with a double opposition, on his left and on his right.
If it happens, Ukraine’s accession to the status of “candidate” for EU membership does not mean the process will be accelerated.
Since his first election in 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron has tried with some consistency to develop a specific "Russian
Consistories usually take place in February, June, and November. This time, the pope stepped a little ahead of schedule, as if he wanted to anticipate and name—as soon as possible—those who will compete for the election of his successor.
Chancellor Nehammer said he believes that “emotion” should not be used to guide the decision—in his view, Ukraine’s rapid accession to EU member state status “is not realistic.”