Despite the fanfare, the candidate’s performance was the subject of much criticism. Political commentators severely judged her speech for sounding pretentious, full of easy platitudes, and incapable of generating genuine enthusiasm in the Zenith hall in Paris.
The Hijabeuses activists have found unexpected support in the person of Elisabeth Moreno, the French Minister for Gender Equality, who believes that women “have the right to wear the Islamic veil to play” on a football pitch.
On Saturday, February 12th, shocking images were posted on social networks, showing police beating up demonstrators, breaking car windows, and fining people simply for waving a French flag.
These attacks on the rights of the unborn child are not isolated initiatives. They are well thought out and coordinated. A survey by the European Centre for Law and Justice reveals the existence of a real pro-abortion lobby within the European institutions.
Only 59 out of 577 MPs were present in the hemicycle of the National Assembly for what is nevertheless a crucial issue, since it is a question of deciding the life or death of hundreds of unborn children.
An informal meeting of European Interior Ministers was held in Lille and Tourcoing in northern France on February 2nd and 3rd. The aim of this meeting was to put forward the proposals of Emmanuel Macron’s presidency, as the head of the EU, in favour of border control in the Schengen area. The ministers decided to […]
Marine Le Pen speaks to working-class France, while Zemmour’s electorate comes from the bourgeoisie—two pieces of the same puzzle which for the moment do not manage to fit together, neither in the one nor in the other.
The issue of tense relations with Armenia does not seem to be at the heart of the European negotiations. Energy imperatives take priority, and the destruction of Armenian cultural and religious heritage in Artsakh continues without major international reaction.
Pope Pius XII was perfectly aware of the reality of the Shoah, so much so that he created an office within the Secretariat of State specifically dedicated to these issues. Pius XII tried—in vain—to alert the American authorities to what was happening in Europe, but the Americans did not believe it.
Russia has requested the closure of the local office of the German international radio and television station Deutsche Welle. This is the first time that a Western media has been banned in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union.
This series of resignations is a testament to the climate of tension in the British Prime Minister’s entourage. These scandals take on added significance at a time when British households are facing a serious decline in their purchasing power, caused by rising energy prices and the Bank of England’s interest rate hike.
As long as the SMS messages between Ursula von den Leyen and Pfizer potentially concern EU policies and decisions, they should be treated as EU documents, and as such, made available to the public.