Zemmour’s trip demonstrates a coherency of purpose. In prioritizing Armenia, he links his candidacy with a commitment to preserving European values. Armenia symbolizes a return to the sources and the origins of European Christian culture.
Silvio Berlusconi likes to recall that he once made a promise to his mother that one day he would become President of the Italian Republic.
96.5% of the votes cast in the referendum were in favor of remaining as a French territory, rejecting independence. President Emmanuel Macron responded: “France is more beautiful because New Caledonia has decided to stay.”
The temptation to standardize news, with the broadcasting of a single source of information, takes us directly back to the experiences of state propaganda systems—the difference being, this time, that propaganda is in the hands of private companies such as GAFA and no longer in the hands of states.
The exercise of democracy requires the support of national sovereignty in order to be fully effective. This is a basic principle that is increasingly being forgotten by European leaders, especially the Germans who are eager to create a federal state of Europe, Kaczyński argued.
Twice, the question had been put to Kanaks and French people living on the island. And twice, the result was clear-cut in favour of remaining in France. But that is not enough, and those in favour of independence want to force people to vote again to achieve their goal.
Éric Zemmour’s speech was true to his character —a speech on French civilization rather than a technocratic speech or a catalog of measures.
Valérie Pécresse already has a very long political career behind her. She is the perfect embodiment of the classic French political elite and as such often criticized as “the product of the system.”
To a certain extent, Aupetit embodies for the French faithful the inability (or unwillingness) of the Church hierarchy to offer proper answers to larger problems.
The terrible incident of the Notre Dame fire should have been the occasion to renovate a church so damaged by the ravages of time, to make it even more beautiful. Instead, the sorcerer’s apprentices in charge of its destiny have preferred to indulge in their dreams of experimentation, as if a centuries-old cathedral were a creative laboratory subsidized by the Ministry of Culture.
During recent months, Les Républicains have suffered from a real lack of credibility. Their procrastination over how to nominate their candidate made them appear wishy-washy by a delayed entry into the campaign.
“We know that Europe owes its existence and its identity to many influences, but we certainly cannot forget that one of the main influences, if not the main one, was Christianity itself,” Cardinal Parolin said.