Beyond her personal case, Päivi Räsänen is well aware that her struggle is much broader: “It is my honor to defend freedom of speech and religion.”
The blocking of the bill in the Senate should not prevent its adoption at the second reading in the National Assembly. The new law extending the legal deadline for abortion should come into force before the end of the term in February 2022.
The disappearance of the specific status of the Order is not simply a matter of symbols. Its diplomatic status, for example, facilitates its humanitarian work in a number of countries around the world.
The choice of the Italian president is the result of complicated negotiations between the different parties. For many years, the position has remained in the hands of the centre-left, but the right-wing, which nowadays has a relative majority, may be able to win the vote for the first time since the demise of the Christian democracy in the 1990s.
The distribution of votes among the various right-wing candidates resembles a game of communicating vessels. Marine Le Pen is ploughing her own furrow. Eric Zemmour puts ‘des mots sur des maux’ (words on evils): it is what he does best. He can participate in the reconfiguration of the French right. Will he go much further?
The nature of these acts of vandalism differs in each case. They may be purely thefts to recover valuables, but they testify to a general climate of hostility towards Catholic faith in France.
The deep-rooted conviction that men have lived for centuries under the obscurantist illusion that the Earth was flat is simply an invention of modernity.
Monsignor Cirulli justifies these extreme measures by relying on the words of Pope Francis, who sees vaccination as an “act of love.” The deliberate obstruction of the distribution of the sacraments to the faithful in times of peril, however, raises questions. The bishop has attracted a lot of criticism for this decision, which for the moment remains purely local.
The NGO Memorial International drew the Russian government’s disapproval because it gradually left the field of historical research to engage in much more political activities: the promotion of human rights, educational programs, and defense of political prisoners.
The March for Life, which brings together most of the pro-life associations in France, will be held in Paris on Sunday, January 16th, three days before the bill is considered by the Senate. The demonstrators hope to influence the senators by their mobilization and determination.
On January 5th, 6,000 German Catholics sent a petition to Pope Francis to express their opposition to the “synodal path” taken by the German Bishops’ Conference.
In her brilliant essay, Anne-Sophie Chazaud, a French journalist and columnist, dismantles the systemic character of the censures we are subjected to today.