“Anyone who incites hatred against parts of the population and attacks the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously scorning, or slandering a group or part of the population is liable to be prosecuted,” Thuringia’s AfD chief Björn Höcke wrote on Twitter after filing the complaint.
“The poll illustrates one thing clearly: the facade is crumbling and the majority of people in the Netherlands are no longer fooled by the mainstream media which continues to serve as an extension of our government. It is time for the Rutte government to step down,” said Dutch MP Simone Kerseboom (FvD).
The vandalized monument honors the 200,000 people who were sent from Vichy France to German concentration camps during World War II.
Organized drug gangs, with their vast resources, threaten to undermine democracy and the rule of law as they seek to corrupt port officials, courts, local governments, and police officers, said Europol chief Catherine De Bolle.
While the French government had not yet called a state of emergency on Thursday night, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said “the state’s response will be extremely firm.”
Prior to his latest run-in with the police and his subsequent and untimely death, the teenager had a total of 15 entries in the criminal records file.
“The figures, therefore, show the highest net immigration recorded to date within a reporting year since the start of the time series in 1950,” the Federal Statistical Office said.
“An official who uses such language not only violates the rule of moderation but also dehumanizes,” Thuringia’s AfD chief Björn Höcke wrote in response to Kramer’s inflammatory remarks.
Police seized large amounts of cash and a bank balance of approximately €750,000 during the search of a residence and a business related to the suspects.
The Russian president accused those who participated in the mutiny of betraying the nation and doing the bidding of Moscow’s foes
Van Houwelingen called on other conservative, populist, anti-globalist parties across Europe to follow the example of FvD and work to block the treaty change.
Sesselman’s victory may very likely be due to “the fact that the majority of voters perceive the CDU as a green-woke party led by a Blackrock lawyer,” claimed Hans-Georg Maaßen.