If it decides to shut down Telegram, Germany will join countries like China, Iran, Pakistan, Belarus, and Cuba who’ve also banned the application in the past.
In an editorial piece titled “We Failed,” Ekstra Bladet, a traditionally center-left Danish tabloid newspaper, confessed that the publication—along with the wider mainstream liberal press—hadn’t been “vigilant enough” in questioning narratives put forward by government authorities.
In a statement published on the website of the former U.S. president’s Save America super PAC, Donald Trump wrote: “Viktor Orbán of Hungary truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people.”
The agreement between Denmark and Kosovo will allow hundreds of criminal migrants with deportation orders to carry out their sentences in Kosovo instead of Denmark.
Figures from a government report have shown that foreign nationals were responsible for 92% of thefts and nearly two-thirds of all sexual assaults carried out on the Paris regional public transportation system in 2020.
This year, Austria’s embattled government, presently led by Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), recorded a total of 28,288 asylum application submissions from January to the end of October, well over twice (144%) the number recorded during the same period last year.
The Italian birthrate, which has been well below replacement levels for over four decades, fell to a record low of 1.16 births per woman in 2020 as would-be parents grappled with socially oppressive and economically ruinous COVID-19 lockdowns.
Widely ignored by the establishment press, the annual Party Congress of Germany’s Social Democratic Party—which is the Federal Health Minister’s party—has been funded by Pfizer, which is projected to rake in €32 billion this year through sales of its COVID-19 vaccine.
“What is spread on Telegram is disgusting, indecent, and criminal,” Federal Justice Minister Buschmann said. “My wish is that we do not take a special German path, but rather create a common European legal framework that enables us to take action against hatred and agitation on the Internet.”
Ms. Støjberg’s case isn’t one-of-a-kind. Other prominent European ministers who’ve taken uncompromising positions against mass immigration have faced similar charges for protecting their country’s territorial integrity.
Discriminating against Christians and banishing religion from the public sphere isn’t “a politically advantageous move since this attitude can push Catholics towards populist parties,” warns the Archbishop of Luxembourg.
Cardinal Müller, former bishop of Regensburg, has condemned globalist financial elites, calling them individuals who view the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic as a window of opportunity to “implement their agenda.”