Hungary stands firm while Brussels zealously champions gender ideology and promotes child sexualization.
Given the scale of the migratory disaster, the least the EU could do is to grant an opt-out to the states that wish to regain control over their borders.
The rainbow cult imposes itself with the arrogance of the chosen and the impunity of the untouchable.
Parliament uses the ‘rule of law’ to punish nonconformity.
After years of tensions, European elites have entered into a personal crusade against Orbán; they want his head.
Why has Hungary, after delivering significant reforms, only received €10 billion from the Commission?
The EU’s decision, abusing the law in the name of the rule of law, is nothing short of Orwellian and will have dramatic consequences for students.
The EU’s messianic reflex is all the more worrying considering that Brussels recently acquired a formidable weapon with imprecise contours: financial conditionality.
Katalin Cseh’s behaviour is the paradigmatic example of the mediocrity of “clickbait politicians.” Overrepresented in the EP, they seem to forget that statesmanship is much more than likes and retweets.
The EU, in the hands of its current pilots, has become an ideological trap—political blackmail clumsily disguised in technocratic euphemisms.
From its seat of power in Strasbourg, the EU Parliament seeks to punish Hungary’s clear election victory and will use financial blackmail to do it.
Please forgive me if I roll my eyes when I hear the diversity pharisees playing the colour-blind champions against their favourite scapegoat because he referred to the concept they have turned into a lucrative business.