Every one of the muddled ideological systems that has informed the structure of the modern State has been nothing more than a counterfeit religion.
Until the conversation orbits the sacrality of what Roger Scruton called ‘homecoming,’ we will be stuck with a politics of empty promises.
In the thrill of a deer stalk, the world is revealed to be what it truly is, a divine communication.
“It is always regrettable and always disruptive to have a leader step down from his throne, but it is sometimes the right thing,” says Peter Kwasniewski.
Men who want to build civilisations must not only dedicate themselves to worship and study, but they must train.
One gets the impression that the peoples of Europe are the only indigenous peoples without a right to exist.
Perhaps we do not need a new and very different St. Benedict. We need old-fashioned, traditional Benedictines, and we need them everywhere.
With the fall of monasticism, Christianity became largely an intellectual exercise.
The survival of the Christian West will require a revival of monasticism.
Let us abandon our embarrassment about giving to this epoch its proper name: the final reign of Satan.
A truly conservative government would have done everything in its power to protect our historic towns and rural landscape.
In praise of a snobbery that strives to elevate others and rejoice in their aesthetic successes.