Any major monetary expansion causes inflation. This past year, a combination of domestic restrictions on economic activity, speculation in the headwind of uncertainty, and the overall nature of energy markets, created inflationary pressure where under normal economic circumstances none would have existed.
According to the Swedish health agency, there is insufficient data to explain why the diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” has increased in recent years and why there are more girls than boys among patients with the diagnosis.
While total government spending increased, total government revenue fell from 2019 to 2020. The decline of €247 billion was equal to 3.8% of 2019 revenue. A total budget deficit of €77 billion in 2019 widened to €921 billion in 2020.
The value-anchor idea is abstract in its nature, but that is necessary: the purpose here is not to develop a plug-and-play ready constitutional reform, but rather to establish a model by means of which such reforms can be developed.
The Danish government has settled a lawsuit from a group of Inuit, ethnic Greenlanders, who were removed from their home territory by Danish authorities in 1951 as part of a social experiment. According to KNR, the Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation, six of the children who are still alive will each receive DKK 250,000 (€32,500). A total […]
Once Tesla obtains final approval to open the Berlin factory, it plans to roll out 500,000 vehicles per year, including Model Ys which would replace the ones imported from China for sale on the European market.
It looks like the Chinese are beginning to suffer the consequences of their own central economic planning model.
The ECB has thus far stayed committed to low, steady interest rates. But there is growing anticipation of a rate increase by the ECB during 2022.
On Friday February 18th, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson explained that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, Sweden will “not be a major recipient” of Ukrainian refugees. Her statement came on the heels of reports that, according to the Christian Science Monitor, Countries in Eastern Europe are making preparations for potentially hundreds […]
It is time to discuss a conservative replacement for liberal democracy.
Reflecting concerns for continued high inflation, a survey of professional forecasters published by the ECB showed a considerable 1.1 percentage-point rise in expected euro-zone inflation for the first quarter of 2022.
After Trump took office as president, the alleged server infiltration by Clinton’s lawyers targeted the White House. The purpose, according to Special Counsel Durham, was to build a false narrative accusing Trump of collaborating with the Russian government in order to win the 2016 election.