A Swedish police decision to ban Quran burnings is unlikely to stand legally, exposing contradictions between Turkish demands and Sweden’s rule of law.
Less than a week after the Moldovan president claimed to reveal a Russian coup plot, are the warnings being realised?
The airstrikes represent a new round in an undeclared shadow war between Israel and Iran.
With the passing of this EU parliamentary motion, some warn that euro-federalism may once again be undermining national sovereignty.
Controversy surrounding the EPP’s leader may only be a sign of conflicting ideas concerning the future direction of the EU Parliament’s biggest political group.
Lavrov’s visits appear to be a diplomatic veneer on the increasing power of Russian mercenaries in Africa.
Calls for transparency in the EU institutions are only growing louder in the wake of Qatargate. As such, this new decision for private questioning will damage the credibility of the EU Parliament.
The Moldovan president claims the apparent end goal of the plan was to put Moldova “at the disposal of Russia” in its war effort against Ukraine.
While the Right failed to take the majority, the swing of Berlin’s vote raises questions about Germany’s future direction.
The issue has, in some ways, become a flashpoint between Meloni’s government and the opposition.
“The destiny of Europe, the fate of Europe, has never rested on politicians, and that should not be the illusion now.”
As the small republic comes under pressure from the war in Ukraine, calls mount for reunification with Romania.