Berlin set to bend EU rules to cut soaring prices
“We decide who comes to the European Union. … Those who do not have the right cannot remain,” the Commission chief promised.
The liberal-green initiative would give more legislative power to the European Parliament, scrap unanimity in the Council, and establish EU citizenship complete with voting rights, universally set at age 16.
Over 180 MEPs attempted to stop the vote for a chance to include the nuclear energy subsidies that the socialist rapporteur removed from the Commission’s original proposal.
The Council’s modified version allocates 15 new seats instead of the proposed 11, while also asking the frustrated MEPs to make do with their current budget and just forget their attempted power grab.
Berlin suspends its voluntary migrant intake due to being full, leaving Italy to face the current “invasion” of hundred boats per day alone.
Szijjártó hit back with a Qatargate reference: “Is this the same body that had several members arrested for corruption?”
While conservative MEPs criticized her for abandoning pragmatism for utopist ideology, the Commission chief argued in favor of enlargement to 30+ member states, “History is calling us to [complete] our Union.”
Member states will have to use 42.5% renewable energy by the end of the decade, despite MEPs saying it will jeopardize Europeans’ energy security and the very “future of their children.”
The EU is perfectly aware that the ‘success’ of Spain’s labor market reforms is nothing but smoke and mirrors, hiding the real unemployment numbers behind meaningless new terms.
Some 70% of ‘minor’ refugees declare themselves to be 17 upon arriving in Italy.
The proposed changes will make the citizenship process stricter, transforming the country from one of the most permissive to one of the toughest in Europe.