One label depicts a deforested area, factory smoke billowing in the distance, with the words: “Eating meat contributes to climate change.”
Experts have called Frans Timmermans’ claims that climate change caused these deaths during storms and floods “nonsense.”
If successful, the move would do much to prevent unelected technocrats, often with leftist and/or globalist sympathies, from being appointed.
“Teflon Mark” Rutte has survived four terms as PM but seen support drop as he implemented globalist policies.
It is unknown whether the asylum seeker, who wanted to die “by explosion,” intended to take unwilling bystanders with him.
The Nieuw Sociaal Contract also wants to steer away from an “ever closer union” with the EU.
Concerns about mass migration, energy prices gave national conservatives increased mandate.
Justice minister resigns after revelation that Brussels magistrate neglected to act on extradition request
Leftist Ione Belarra called for PM Benjamin Netanyahu to stand trial for war crimes.
Despite deportation orders, the Islamist was left free.
The ISIS supporter who murdered two Swedish nationals in Brussels was flagged as a potential jihadist as far back as 2016.
Radoičić was an associate of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s, who once named him one of the “guardians of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija.”