Police score victory after 75 hours of embarrassing manhunt.
Tony Blair’s consultancy focuses on combatting what it calls “frightening authoritarian populism.”
Maréchal is committed to making immigration the “driving issue” that unites the Right.
The U.S. has repeatedly called on North Korea to stop the negotiations, while Moscow and Pyongyang have denied their existence.
Intel sources say Russia hopes to trade advanced satellite and submarine technology for North Korean weapons.
Described as “heroes” and “Robin Hoods,” London’s ‘Blade Runners’ are disabling cameras meant to enforce Mayor Sadiq Khan’s vehicle emission requirements.
In a bid to solve a housing crisis of its own making, the British government prioritized illegal migrants over university students.
Spurious claims of child neglect put the Hermans in danger of losing their children to state care in the Netherlands.
U.S. officials are voicing concern that Russia and North Korea—both heavily sanctioned by the West—are drawing closer together militarily.
The Home Office is mulling the idea as a way to ensure that migrants awaiting asylum decisions do not pick up and leave unmonitored.
Following Niger, Gabon is the eighth nation in West and Central Africa to suffer its leader’s ouster by a military junta since 2020.
The director had come under sharp criticism for not having taken seriously warnings of possible thefts at the museum.