Before competing, DSD (Differences in Sex Development) athletes must take inhibitors or undergo surgery if their testosterone levels are too high.
Implicit in the Chinese leader’s departing words, as his three-day state visit concluded, was the promise the world order would experience a shakeup not seen in a century.
Jordan and Egypt, which mediated talks with U.S. backing, were quick to condemn Smotrich’s remarks in the strongest of terms.
While verbal assurances towards that end have been made, both parties refrained from actually inking the deal.
The €3.03 billion sale is intended to stave off a breakdown in confidence—following recent bank collapses in the U.S.—from spilling over.
Ratification is expected before the Turkish parliament goes into recess in mid-April, bringing Finland one step closer to NATO membership.
The Republican House of Representatives Speaker slammed the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s investigation into the former president as being “an outrageous abuse of power.”
Last month’s national rail tragedy might prove more damaging to Mitsotakis’ government than the wiretapping scandal which nearly sank it.
The question of gender, the Pontiff said, would dilute differences as it makes the world “the same, all dull, all alike, and that is contrary to the human vocation.”
The Belarusian president and his Iranian counterpart inked cooperation deals in various areas while comparing notes on how to navigate Western-imposed sanctions.
China has rearranged the power balance in the Middle East, leaving the U.S. and its main regional ally, Israel, isolated.
Pope Francis’ 10th anniversary was heralded by news from the German Catholic Church that it will now be blessing same-sex couples.