Serbia has been upbraided for not following the Western world’s lead in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as for refraining from sanctions.
A succession of scandals has plagued Lambrecht ever since her appointment by Chancellor Olaf Scholz in December 2021.
While some have internalized its company line as being a benevolent non-profit organization, to others it is little more than the playground for the managerial class.
In a video message, together with EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton, Musk declared they had a “great discussion” and that the EU is “exactly aligned with my thinking.”
Fresh sanctions targeting Russian oil have been a source of worry for landlocked EU member states, such as Hungary. Ironing out a deal has therefore been fraught with hurdles.
In order to cripple the Russian war machine, Austria has been in support of EU sanctions. Yet, these hurt Europe’s economy while significantly lowering living standards in the process. Now that their effectiveness is increasingly in doubt, Austria stands out among member states for pursuing a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine debacle.
On April 7th, the EU Parliament voted to place an embargo on Russian oil, gas, and nuclear fuel, which was closely followed by a EU Commission ban on its coal exports. Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly suspended the country from its Human Rights Council.
As the Muslim Brotherhood is commonly regarded by Belgium’s security services as “the parent organization of all contemporary Sunni extremist movements and of various terrorist movements,” the highly critical report made some furrow their brows.
Colonna, who was serving a life sentence in Toulon for the 1998 assassination of the prefect of Corsica, had been in a coma since he was beaten and strangled on March 2nd by a fellow inmate, whom authorities described as a “radicalised, Islamist terrorist.”
When grilled about the ‘regime change’ comment by reporters on Monday, Biden was not willing to “walk anything back.” He explained he said it out of “moral outrage,” and that it was a “personal feeling.”
Amidst exploding electricity bills and fears over shortages, the Belgian government’s 180 degree turn came not entirely unexpected.
Sr. Joseph, the first Indian woman to take on the mantle, is now the third nun to lead the sisters, universally known for their devotion to the poorest in society.