Party hopes 39-year-old jailed in Hungary could be granted immunity if elected.
59% of Swedes think the law is either ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’.
Government attempt at fulfilling election promise to legalize abortion still faces opposition.
Suspects were targeting churches, synagogues, and police stations.
Nearly one million signatures gathered in two days signal potential resurgence of ‘Gilets Jaunes’ protests.
Text also includes condemnation of ‘conscience clauses’ for medical staff and a call to cut off funding for pro-life organizations.
The planned suicide of a physically healthy young Dutch woman proves legalised euthanasia is a deadly slippery slope.
As elections approach, Eurocrats have a newfound concern for the agriculture sector.
The great majority of appointments go to Northern and Western European officials, undercutting claims that the Union is truly representative.
Six months after the brutal Hamas attacks on civilians of October 7th, families warn that they are running out of time.
Cost-cutting concealed as concern for elderly ‘quality of life’
Video of beheading was sent through messaging system used by students.