BSW leader says coalition talks are off unless centre-right softens stance on arming Ukraine.
The danger posed by Islamist extremism has increased significantly.
The referendum, held alongside the presidential election, saw a slim majority in favour of EU integration.
A conference in Budapest highlighted the dangers of embracing neo-Marxism and pro-migration policies for Europe’s future.
President Andrzej Duda says the Tusk government “finally joined the defenders of the borders of Poland.”
The right-wing winner of the elections says the political elite will ignore the will of the voters.
The security measures aimed at tightening asylum laws have met with resistance within Scholt’s own governing Social Democratic party.
The communists have also blacklisted Jews and friends of Israel, making them targets for violence.
True to form, the New York Times said the problem isn’t the VP’s plagiarism, but that conservatives “seized on it.”
While doubling its support in weekend state election, the party is still being denied the chance to form a national government.
The 49-year-old man denies he was there to assassinate Trump, claiming he was carrying two firearms for self–defence.
“There was a time when we were told what to do. We got rid of that era thirty years ago,” the PM said in a reference to the Soviet rule of his country.