Violent Protests Rock Georgia After Suspension of EU Membership Bid
The only thing the country has rejected is Brussels’ “shameful and offensive blackmail,” PM said.
The only thing the country has rejected is Brussels’ “shameful and offensive blackmail,” PM said.
The fate of the PM and his administration could be sealed before the end of the week.
The previous coalition government is likely to return to power.
The bill was backed in its second reading by a majority of 55.
Mainstream parties whining as security officials claim Russian interference helped the anti-establishment winner.
The new law received cross-party support—and the endorsement of a majority of parents—but its critics sense danger.
Official statistics have been radically revised upwards, rendering estimates for 2024 effectively useless.
One warning was sent with a “pro-Palestinian themed message.”
The right-wing AfD says “Girls’ Evenings in the Mosque” is clear proof that migration and integration policies have failed.
Worried about another pogrom, the Green-Left mayor warned there “will be spontaneous dissenting voices.”
France’s weaker international position under Macron is directly impacting its ability to enforce immigration laws.
The UK foreign secretary would only say that troops are not being committed “at this time.”
“We do not want an influx of this food from South America. It does not meet standards. This food is not fit to eat,” spokesman said.
Hungary’s attempt to advance talks with Belgrade was rejected for political reasons, despite Serbia meeting all preliminary benchmarks set by the Commission
The intimidation move by the Venezuelan government came after a protest was announced by the opposition.
The aircraft carried packages for a company that found parcel bombs attributed to Russia in its warehouses this summer.
A symbolic gesture, perhaps, but it sends the clear message that British voters are fed up with what one commentator calls the “entire centre-left paradigm.”
Three biggest parties expected to remain at the top despite having failed to solve the country’s problems.
Canadian Anti-NATO and anti-Israel demonstrations turn into riot
A human rights charity is threatening legal action, saying the move is open to “abuse against women.”
More than ever, the life and death of the French government depend on the goodwill of Marine Le Pen’s party.
Light sentence requested despite charge of premeditated aggravated assault.
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