Pope Appeals Directly to Putin to End War in Ukraine
Pope Francis called for an immediate ceasefire and the start of peace negotiations, “in the name of God and in the name of the sense of humanity that dwells in every heart.”
Pope Francis called for an immediate ceasefire and the start of peace negotiations, “in the name of God and in the name of the sense of humanity that dwells in every heart.”
Sometime during the coming weeks, da Silva and Bolsonaro will once again brandish words in what is sure to be a fiery debate. On October 30th, the world’s fourth-largest democracy will pass judgment over who will be leading it.
It is a significant victory for Mortier and for those who have long warned of the slippery slope of euthanasia.
Within Spain’s judicial-political controversy, the Partido Popular proposed a legislative change to court-appointment procedures. The PSOE rejected it, as it would mean political suicide.
Habeck warned that Germany is looking at an “extremely tense” situation in the coming months, saying that if Germans fail to reduce their gas consumption, we risk “not having enough gas this winter.”
This comes in addition to the €130 million Sanchez has already earmarked for the Global Fund, of which Bill Gates is a key partner.
The informal meeting, planned for October 7th in Prague, follows on the heels of an agreement between energy ministers for mandatory windfall taxes on energy companies.
It has now been suggested that if France remains steadfast in opposing the MidCat project, one may be built through Italy instead.
The German Retail Trade Federation warned the federal government that as many as 16,000 business could go bankrupt this year in the face of runaway energy prices.
The highest current unemployment rates in the EU are found in Spain (12.4%) and Greece (12.2%); among the lowest are Hungary (3.5%) and the Netherlands (3.8%).
Many MEPs did not hesitate to make jokes during their speeches, wishing their colleagues a “Merry Christmas.” Former Parliament President Antonio Tajani recalled the original meaning of the European flag—the crown of stars of the Virgin Mary and the blue of her mantle.
The main culprit for the drop in exports was a decrease in sales to the EU caused by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the new trade barriers with Europe. The UK lost 24% of its sales to the EU, worth £2.4bn.
If passed, it is feared current President Alexander Lukashenko, long accused of being of the authoritarian persuasion, would be able to consolidate and extend his power, only leaving office in 2035 after reigning 41 years.
The survey reveals three major differences between the French reaction and that of the Italians and Germans.
Archbishop Roche on the implementation of Traditionis Custodes: “What is important to realize now is that the Holy Father has spoken; the liturgical possibilities are in place; the challenge is to get on with it without licking one’s wounds when no one has been injured. “
On December 24th a migrant boat capsized in the Aegean Sea. It was the third accident involving migrants in Greek waters in less than a month, bringing the death toll of the three sinkings to 27. Three suspected smugglers were also arrested.
The Queen chose to pay tribute to childhood and its carefree nature, able to seek and find joy in all things. In a sober and discreet allusion, she recalled the original meaning of Christmas—namely the arrival of the baby Jesus in the manger: “[Children] teach us all a lesson—just as the Christmas story does—that in the birth of a child, there is a new dawn with endless potential.”
Mounting tensions between East and West have been a fixture in news reporting for the past few weeks, with the U.S. and Ukraine claiming Russia may be preparing an invasion of its neighbor. Russia has emphatically denied planning such a course of action and says it is Ukraine’s dalliance with NATO that is to be blamed for the escalation.
Following disastrous local elections for his party in October, Zaev announced at the end of the month that he would resign as Prime Minister, though he didn’t formally submit his resignation until December 23rd. In the meantime, he led the coalition government through the threat of a no confidence vote to reinforce their slight majority in Parliament to 64 of the 120 seats. This avoided snap elections.
The agreement between Denmark and Kosovo will allow hundreds of criminal migrants with deportation orders to carry out their sentences in Kosovo instead of Denmark.
“Blanket booster programmes are likely to prolong the COVID-19 pandemic, rather than ending it,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters. He reasoned that until vaccination reached around the world, the virus would only have more opportunity to spread and mutate. “No country can boost its way out of the pandemic,” Tedros added.
Figures from a government report have shown that foreign nationals were responsible for 92% of thefts and nearly two-thirds of all sexual assaults carried out on the Paris regional public transportation system in 2020.