Spanish Government Suppresses Migration Data
Spain’s center-right asks for explanations after removal of data concerning the entry of illegal migrants into Spain during the transitional months between PM Rajoy’s tenure and that of Sánchez.
Spain’s center-right asks for explanations after removal of data concerning the entry of illegal migrants into Spain during the transitional months between PM Rajoy’s tenure and that of Sánchez.
With this gesture, the Belgian episcopate replaces prayers for the return of homosexuals to lives that conform to the Catholic faith with a deliberate policy that sanctions gay unions, to be implemented liturgically.
Italy’s sovereignist center-Right victory comes despite an exceptionally nasty, months-long smear campaign carried out against them by the globalist-controlled press.
The spark which set the tinder alight was the suspicious death of Mahsa Amini, who had been detained by Iran’s morality police because she wore the hijab too loosely.
Ukraine’s foreign minster, Dmytro Kuleba, slammed Lavrov’s statement, reiterating that Ukraine “never wanted this war and never chose it.”
Some people think things have only gotten worse since the 2018 agreement was signed. Vatican diplomacy defends it as a way to protect the Church’s presence in China, even if unsatisfactory.
Germany has made the reception of Russian deserters a political battle, while Baltic states remain cautious.
The Senate’s decree comes two years after official crime figures revealed that nearly two women in Germany are gang raped per day, with foreigners, despite making up 19% of the population, accounting for nearly half of all rape suspects.
If the FPÖ manages to win over voters from the anti-lockdown, vaccine-critical MFG Österreich party, it could potentially see them surge past the leftist-globalist SPÖ as the country’s most popular party.
On Friday morning, Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of violating their recent ceasefire agreement, only one day after the Armenian prime minister addressed the UN to accuse Azerbaijan of committing “unspeakable atrocities.
What galvanized the protestors ranged from resistance to masking, objection to the controversial COVID Safety Ticket (CST), which allows only those in the vaccinated, testing negative, or newly recovered categories to enter most public spaces, to the specter of mandatory vaccination–for now, limited to those in care and health services.
‘Misogyny’ and ‘hate’ are already nebulous, elastic terms. How to legislate justice for these offenses raises concerns over how such legislation would affect freedom of speech.
Angela Merkel did put in place a mechanism to strengthen German government finances. However, there was a price to be paid for this achievement, namely a slowly but steadily rising burden on German taxpayers.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán reflected on what a post-Merkel Germany would mean for his country. “The era of ambiguity, stealth politics and drifting has ended with Merkel. We now prepare for battle with our eyes wide open.”
Pascal Arimont, Belgian MEP, said that a petrol bomb was thrown under his children’s bedroom windows while the family was at home.
Caught between Scylla and Charybdis, the choice for our central bankers is hard but simple: which short-term pain comes with the best prospects for prosperity in the future?
During his visit to the Mavrovouni refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos—his second one in five years—Pope Francis
The swearing-in ceremony, which saw Nehammer and five ministers assume their respective positions, took place on Monday afternoon and comes just days after former Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg—who spent less than two months at the helm of the country—announced his resignation.
The parliament’s formal dissolution took place two months ahead of the previously-announced snap election, which was initially triggered in October when lawmakers rejected the Socialist minority government’s 2022 budget proposal.
In a joint statement, the leaders rejected the notion of “a Europe governed by a self-appointed elite” and said that “only the sovereign institutions of the states have full democratic legitimacy.”
Valérie Pécresse already has a very long political career behind her. She is the perfect embodiment of the classic French political elite and as such often criticized as “the product of the system.”
The closer one gets to the source of policy, the less explicitly things are expressed, so I did not expect to find so direct a formulation in print. All the same, it is now worth digging into what is really intended by this conceptual guiding light of ‘resilience.’