I wonder aloud what needs to happen for us to understand what is taking place in Europe, so that we will no longer be surprised by the events that we are experiencing and suffering.
No one can or should doubt that the only one responsible for the suffering of the Ukrainian people today is President Putin. But the question we Europeans must ask ourselves is why this decision was taken; why does Putin dare to undertake this dramatic mission whose outcome is unknown to us?
Nothing happens by chance, nor is it the result of an improvised or even perverse decision.
Everything that is causing suffering today is the result of a decision that has been ripening for some time. Our enemies intuit, sniff, and smell from a distance the weakness and decadence of Western and European society. It is not our supposed strength that drives an envious Putin to war. This is a lie that some want to impose on the truth that I have just described.
Today, those who planned this invasion know that many in Europe are committed to a transition that substitutes a social order based on Christian foundations with a ruthless social disorder.
Disorder, extreme disorder, cannot stop by itself. From it comes the violence we are experiencing today. When these transitions take place without aiming at a clear goal, an image of weakness is projected, which adversaries and enemies will always capitalise on.
We Spaniards experienced this when ETA, a Basque separatist group, plotted to break down social order through violence in 1979 and 1980. They abused us, mistreated us in a singular way, and caused the highest number of murders in our history, many more than at the end of the previous regime.
The difference between these transitions is that Spain was moving in the right direction, towards freedom. Today, we are sliding in the wrong direction, because we have no reference point.
I do not know where Putin’s brutal decision will lead us in the future; today it involves the invasion of Ukraine, but tomorrow, no one can say.
We Europeans do not have to predict or second-guess Russian intentions. What we must do, in addition to diagnosing and denouncing their wrongdoing, is to understand the reason that we project weakness.
We have to focus and concentrate on what we must do. Each and every one of our gestures in support of Ukraine are very good. Some steps that go beyond gestures should also be welcomed, such as Germany’s decision to strengthen its defence with a significant increase in its budget expenditure.
But more is needed, even if we cannot alter Putin’s decisions in the slightest.
We need regeneration, rectification, and more cohesion in our social base. In short, we need a moral rearmament of the European Union.
We cannot continue as a continent in which, without our foundations, the gap, separation, and the fracture between Europeans is growing by the day.
The disregard for Europe’s roots, the persecution of the countries that most defend them, the aim that abortion should be considered an element of European identity, elevating it to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, is madness.
This attitude is simply suicidal, when the real cohesion of the European Union, of its leaders—but above all, of its social base—is absolutely necessary, as evidenced by Putin’s brutal aggression.
The European Union is more important than ever, but the direction and the objectives must be set. It is a time for cohesion, regeneration, and a reconciliation based on values and foundations.
It is not possible to continue with our transition into nothingness and decadence. Europe will not be able to meet the challenges—which are already violent today—if it remains ensconced in comfort, lies, a war on effort and excellence, the culture of death, abortion, euthanasia, gender, transgenderism, transhumanism, all of which are leading us to nothingness, to inanity.
It is first necessary that we try to hide our current weakness, as we have done. But we must be able to embark on a new course, a new direction, and a profound regeneration, because, among other reasons, danger has now become a reality. As I said before, today it is Ukraine, but who knows what will happen tomorrow.
On the 7th of May, continuing in the path of these three days of reflection, we are going to organise an event in Brussels—promoted by many cultural organisations from practically all the countries in the Union—to reaffirm the Christian foundations of Europe and to contribute to its moral rearmament. We will gather with the aim of joining forces with many others who, without necessarily sharing the same faith, are nevertheless aware of our civilisational crisis.
As president of the Institute for European Studies, and as a promoter of NEOS, a cultural alternative based on Christian foundations, we have to express and reiterate that the religious and Christian dimension of our civilisation must be respected, without any intention of imposition. Because if the human being’s dignity, nature, and the culture of life continue to be disregarded, there is no future.
War in Europe: The Need for a Moral Rearmament
I wonder aloud what needs to happen for us to understand what is taking place in Europe, so that we will no longer be surprised by the events that we are experiencing and suffering.
No one can or should doubt that the only one responsible for the suffering of the Ukrainian people today is President Putin. But the question we Europeans must ask ourselves is why this decision was taken; why does Putin dare to undertake this dramatic mission whose outcome is unknown to us?
Nothing happens by chance, nor is it the result of an improvised or even perverse decision.
Everything that is causing suffering today is the result of a decision that has been ripening for some time. Our enemies intuit, sniff, and smell from a distance the weakness and decadence of Western and European society. It is not our supposed strength that drives an envious Putin to war. This is a lie that some want to impose on the truth that I have just described.
Today, those who planned this invasion know that many in Europe are committed to a transition that substitutes a social order based on Christian foundations with a ruthless social disorder.
Disorder, extreme disorder, cannot stop by itself. From it comes the violence we are experiencing today. When these transitions take place without aiming at a clear goal, an image of weakness is projected, which adversaries and enemies will always capitalise on.
We Spaniards experienced this when ETA, a Basque separatist group, plotted to break down social order through violence in 1979 and 1980. They abused us, mistreated us in a singular way, and caused the highest number of murders in our history, many more than at the end of the previous regime.
The difference between these transitions is that Spain was moving in the right direction, towards freedom. Today, we are sliding in the wrong direction, because we have no reference point.
I do not know where Putin’s brutal decision will lead us in the future; today it involves the invasion of Ukraine, but tomorrow, no one can say.
We Europeans do not have to predict or second-guess Russian intentions. What we must do, in addition to diagnosing and denouncing their wrongdoing, is to understand the reason that we project weakness.
We have to focus and concentrate on what we must do. Each and every one of our gestures in support of Ukraine are very good. Some steps that go beyond gestures should also be welcomed, such as Germany’s decision to strengthen its defence with a significant increase in its budget expenditure.
But more is needed, even if we cannot alter Putin’s decisions in the slightest.
We need regeneration, rectification, and more cohesion in our social base. In short, we need a moral rearmament of the European Union.
We cannot continue as a continent in which, without our foundations, the gap, separation, and the fracture between Europeans is growing by the day.
The disregard for Europe’s roots, the persecution of the countries that most defend them, the aim that abortion should be considered an element of European identity, elevating it to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, is madness.
This attitude is simply suicidal, when the real cohesion of the European Union, of its leaders—but above all, of its social base—is absolutely necessary, as evidenced by Putin’s brutal aggression.
The European Union is more important than ever, but the direction and the objectives must be set. It is a time for cohesion, regeneration, and a reconciliation based on values and foundations.
It is not possible to continue with our transition into nothingness and decadence. Europe will not be able to meet the challenges—which are already violent today—if it remains ensconced in comfort, lies, a war on effort and excellence, the culture of death, abortion, euthanasia, gender, transgenderism, transhumanism, all of which are leading us to nothingness, to inanity.
It is first necessary that we try to hide our current weakness, as we have done. But we must be able to embark on a new course, a new direction, and a profound regeneration, because, among other reasons, danger has now become a reality. As I said before, today it is Ukraine, but who knows what will happen tomorrow.
On the 7th of May, continuing in the path of these three days of reflection, we are going to organise an event in Brussels—promoted by many cultural organisations from practically all the countries in the Union—to reaffirm the Christian foundations of Europe and to contribute to its moral rearmament. We will gather with the aim of joining forces with many others who, without necessarily sharing the same faith, are nevertheless aware of our civilisational crisis.
As president of the Institute for European Studies, and as a promoter of NEOS, a cultural alternative based on Christian foundations, we have to express and reiterate that the religious and Christian dimension of our civilisation must be respected, without any intention of imposition. Because if the human being’s dignity, nature, and the culture of life continue to be disregarded, there is no future.
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