An all-star gathering of anti-lockdown specialists and MEPs raised the possibility of the intentional weaponization of the COVID-19 virus Wednesday, May 3rd at a no-holds-wwbarred conference discussing the global pandemic response hosted at the European Parliament.
The Third International COVID Summit saw speakers from across academia address almost all aspects of the pandemic, from the manipulation of statistics by health authorities to the medical fallout from rushed vaccine rollouts.
The conference was sponsored by the ECR and ID parliamentary groups and headlined by Dr. Robert Malone, an American biochemist who shot to prominence for his scathing criticism of mRNA vaccine technology.
LIVE NOW: EU Parliament – International Covid Summit@CristianTerhes opening address
— Bright Light News (@BLNewsMedia) May 3, 2023
Attendees were told how the “tide was turning” against a collapsing COVID consensus as multiple panels of medics discussed their research, challenging the narrative ranging from doctored vaccine trials to the very legality of restrictions imposed by authorities.
American Dr. David Martin, in a speech centering on the harassment of medical professionals, likened the entire process to a gigantic “black operation” by governments and corporations and called for a cessation of research into gain-of-function technology.
Originally dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the potential man-made origins of COVID-19 have been the focus of increasing scrutiny with conflicting testimonies from experts and intelligence agencies regarding links with Wuhan biological research facilities.
At the European Parliament top world doctors and scientists are exposing the truth about the Covid-19 pandemic and the about the upcoming terrors that will attempt to remove our freedoms. #ics3 #freedom #COVID19
— InternationalCovidSummit (@IntCovidSummit) May 3, 2023
The corporate suppression of alternative treatments to COVID was another theme of the day, with academics discussing the cynical dismissal of cheaper Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine therapies. Critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory discussed his direct experiences of clinical trials being rigged in favour of more expensive mRNA vaccines with clinics going so far as to pretend they had no Ivermectin to test.
Jason Christoff, a Canadian business owner who championed the anti-lockdown cause, compared media coverage from the time to the brainwashing of captured American soldiers in the Korean War and linked susceptibility to lockdown hysteria to society’s increased social isolations in a form of mass-Stockholm syndrome.
The risk of mRNA vaccines impacting food supplies was a morbid topic for discussion by immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle who called for a moratorium on the use of the technology until further notice.
The latter half of the eight-hour conference focused on the excess mortality and physiological damage caused by the vaccine. Italian Endocrinologist Professor Giovanni Frajese graphically recounting the Italian government’s refusal to acknowledge statistics for abnormal uterine bleeding among COVID-19 vaccinated women.
Canadian doctor Dr. Jessica Rose questioned why mRNA vaccines were not pulled from the market as early as January 2021 when authorities became aware of 700 related deaths. He called on those at the conference to prepare themselves for the next crisis.
Speakers used the event to rake the EU over the coals for its delayed response. MEPs Cristian-Vasile Terheș (PNȚ-CD/ECR) and Christine Margarete Anderson (AfD/ID) reflected upon the confusion foisted upon them as lawmakers because of the EU’s dysfunctional response.
The Brussels conference occurred while a long-running investigation into the European Commission’s handling of the vaccine rollout drags on with specific concerns raised about the lobbying efforts of the Pifzer corporation.
Three years after the initial lockdown, and despite the expertise on display, one wonders if the horse has already bolted on the COVID issue, as the evidence of rising deaths on account of vaccination continues to mount.
Expert opinion made it clear that the science, sold to citizens from March 2020, was far from settled, and that the chances of a repeat of the COVID experience is more than possible due to the lack of lessons learned.