Conservative lawmakers in Brevard County have adopted a controversial resolution that calls on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to make mRNA COVID-19 vaccines illegal in the state due to severe safety concerns based on recent evidence, CBS12 wrote on Thursday, July 13th.
As a result of the vote, the lawmakers sent a letter to the governor’s office to demand a ban on COVID vaccines made with mRNA technology, as well as to other representatives including senators Rubio and Scott. Passed by a landslide in the Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC), the resolution is similar to previous decisions taken by the GOP’s several other local chapters in Florida recently.
BREC’s letter, obtained by CBS12, details the reasons behind the move, complete with extensive footnotes to back up the claims. It states that people were told endlessly that the COVID-19 virus represents a grave danger to them, and that the experimental vaccines, approved only for emergency use, are safe, effective, and prevent the transmission of the virus. It then states that an increasing amount of data proves otherwise, even suggesting that mRNA vaccines are “bio- and technological weapons,” designed to change recipients’ DNA.
To quote from the letter:
Strong and credible evidence has recently been revealed that COVID-19 and COVID-19 injections are biological and technological weapons. Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1,223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects. An enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled. Strong and credible evidence exists that COVID-19 mRNA shots alter human DNA. Government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming COVID-19 injections are safe and effective.
The conservative lawmakers added that “continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute a crime against humanity.” Then, they signed the letter asking for banning mRNA shots “on behalf of the preservation of the human race.”
Besides DeSantis and state representatives in Washington, the letter was also sent to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, asking her to immediately cease all mRNA COVID vaccines and to initiate a thorough forensic analysis to determine how dangerous the ingredients are.
In the meantime, following Governor DeSantis’ request in December, the Florida Supreme Court is also conducting a grand jury investigation into the vaccine roll-out for any associated crimes, primarily related to the misleading advertisement of the shots’ safety and effectiveness.
The call also seems to follow a nationwide trend, as lawmakers in Idaho already submitted a new bill to criminalize mRNA vaccination in the state back in February, currently awaiting House approval. In the U.S., seven states have banned or restricted the use of vaccine mandates, while thirteen others require to allow employees to opt out for various reasons, including religious exemptions.
In Europe, on the other hand, there is no major legislative effort to criminalize the use of mRNA technology. However, several MEPs have repeatedly raised concerns about them in Brussels and called for removing them from the market, citing extensive scientific data.
“What happened in the past three years is not okay,” MEP Cristian Terhes said during his opening speech at the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit last May. “It’s not okay from the perspective of democracy, it’s not okay from the perspective of respect for human rights, and it is not okay from the medical perspective. Because at the end of the day, when we hear someone saying that ‘science says…’, well, we should allow the science to say whatever scientists have to say.”
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— Bright Light News (@BLNewsMedia) May 3, 2023