Europeans Tell Macron Abortion is Not a Right
“What is proposed by Mr. Macron is the absolute abandonment of women and the elimination of a new member of our society that deserves our respect and protection,” the One of Us letter reads.
“What is proposed by Mr. Macron is the absolute abandonment of women and the elimination of a new member of our society that deserves our respect and protection,” the One of Us letter reads.
Mistaking itself for an organization of ethicists, sociologists, or moral philosophers, the WHO has determined that the only issue at stake in abortion is medical.
The temporary measure, having spent nearly two years on the statute books, was due to expire at the end of this month.
For Northern Irish Christians, this move by lawmakers is a source of consternation. As they face a ban on their prayer vigils outside abortion clinics, the message is clear: it is they who are being targeted.
These attacks on the rights of the unborn child are not isolated initiatives. They are well thought out and coordinated. A survey by the European Centre for Law and Justice reveals the existence of a real pro-abortion lobby within the European institutions.
The parties of CDA, ChristenUnie, SGP, and Forum for Democracy voted unanimously against, as did Caroline van der Plas of the BoerBurgerBeweging and independent MP Pieter Omtzigt.
Only 59 out of 577 MPs were present in the hemicycle of the National Assembly for what is nevertheless a crucial issue, since it is a question of deciding the life or death of hundreds of unborn children.
Before the final report from the Conference on the Future of Europe is published in the spring, the European Federation hopes to gather citizens from across the EU in Brussels and call for the protection of all human life, beginning at the moment of conception.
Government says that a person is not alive until deep into the pregnancy. The motive is instrumental: when we legally sever the beginning of life from conception, we allow for another moral value to be elevated above life itself. That moral value works as an ulterior motive for the legal definition of life.
“My ‘North Star’ is certainly the Christian and Catholic culture, with the huge cultural output that it has produced.” — Dr. Massimo Gandolfini