Polish President Vetoes Morning-After Pill for Minors
The bill would have allowed 15-year-olds to access the pill without a prescription.
The bill would have allowed 15-year-olds to access the pill without a prescription.
The blame for the Abortion Act 1967 lies with the elected government, not with the Queen.
Conservatives can breathe a sigh of relief as Tusk stutters on education and abortion law reform.
Historic examples of the royal veto against legalizing abortion provide some hope for the future.
By supporting the “European project”, Catholic bishops often forget that they ask voters to back today’s MEPs who favour abortion and euthanasia.
Many students in the UK don’t believe in free speech and are prepared to take action to silence others.
“Life begets life and death begets death. That’s why we’re here today,” participant said.
America’s literary icons produced great stories; but their real lives were also cautionary tales.
Let us abandon our embarrassment about giving to this epoch its proper name: the final reign of Satan.
While the freedom to have an abortion is now guaranteed by the Constitution, the freedom of the health care provider not to carry out an abortion is not.