Macron Again Proposes To Put Abortion in Constitution
Both Macron’s and Le Pen’s parties are internally divided on the issue.
Both Macron’s and Le Pen’s parties are internally divided on the issue.
Authorities have now twice settled on the conclusion that silent prayer is not a crime
Rich Western countries are pushing the LGBT agenda and abortion in developing countries, promising cash in exchange for their souls—but you won’t read that in the mainstream press.
Dobbs was a partial victory: it ruled that abortion is not a right, but it did not make the positive point that life must be protected by law.
In Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway immortalized a conversation not just of that time, but of all times: a man trying to persuade a woman who is already a mother that she is not yet a mother.
The new USAID LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development Policy highlights the hypocrisy of the globalist Left, which purports to oppose colonialism but engages in brazen ideological imperialism wherever it can, in every corner of the world.
The most striking thing left out of these conversations is that this baby was aborted at 8 months, and very clearly not for any medical reasons, nor because the child had any disability.
The more nuanced study contradicts the results of a previous one-question survey.
The newly updated curriculum would force schools to teach their pupils about access to abortion services and prevention of adolescent pregnancy through use of contraception.
Experts analysed what led to last year’s U.S. court decision that struck down abortion on demand.