Diego Rivera and the Politicization of Creation
Rivera deliberately chose the moment of creation as a subject matter, recognizing its revolutionary potential.
Rivera deliberately chose the moment of creation as a subject matter, recognizing its revolutionary potential.
The flickering torch illuminating the pathway towards the True, the Good, and the Beautiful must not expire on our watch.
Those who can see past their prejudices will discern in Twombly’s work a revolutionary aesthetic experience, where movement flows hot and red in a thrilling abstraction of Italian futurism.
MEP Charlie Weimers: “It is pure censorship. Ahmadi makes it clear that this is not a criticism of Islam but of political Islam, veiling, and the regime in Iran.”
The director had come under sharp criticism for not having taken seriously warnings of possible thefts at the museum.
It’s a safe bet that Archbishop Ulrich and his acolytes never asked themselves about the transmission of the faith and the salvation of souls when approving these supposedly aesthetic choices.
The conservative tendency to leave the public square and the realm of art—the mural—blank for someone else to paint on has done society no favours.
The most important thing for Scruton was to show that beauty can lead us from worldly concerns to the most important themes of our lives.
Museum President Laurence des Cars described this as a positive “symbol” in “a sea of sadness and desolation.”
The lord of the underworld and his Persephone stand before the stark fruits of Puritanism and modern industry.