Climate Referendum Falls Short in Berlin
If passed, the referendum would have enshrined a commitment to a 95% cut in emissions by 2030.
If passed, the referendum would have enshrined a commitment to a 95% cut in emissions by 2030.
Prominent politicians, media figures, and everyday working people from Germany’s political Right and Left attended the protest.
The bursting of the aquarium left two people injured and more than 1,000 tropical fish dead. With investigations ongoing, some speculate that temperature differences may have caused cracks to form.
“Since the applications used up to now have been interpreted religiously by some citizens, we decided without further ado to have the elements replaced,” a spokeswoman for the district said.
“The Left understanding of democracy no longer exists in Berlin. Totalitarian ideas, against laws and democracy,” Herald Vilimsky, the Freedom Party of Austria’s delegation leader in the European Parliament said in response to state of affairs that led to the lawsuit being filed.
Fourteen months after the chaotic elections in Berlin, the constitutional court ruled the entire election invalid. New elections must now be held within 90 days.
The sanctions, which Orbán described as a “catastrophe”—and argued had been implemented in a “primitive” way— are “killing Hungary and Germany too.”
Those who “believe the war will be ended through Russian-Ukrainian negotiations are not living in the real world,” Orbán argued.
Rüdiger Lautman, a sociologist who has been accused of advocating pedophilia for decades, sits on the board of directors of the organization responsible for the new child daycare centers.
The raids against the AfD, Germany’s sole conservative opposition party, come as it has witnessed its popular support skyrocket amid growing discontent over the government’s self-crippling sanctions against Russia.