The Spanish Government Supports Catalan Separatism
The connivance of the establishment Left (and, though less explicitly, the Right as well) with the long-term strengthening of separatism has been a feature, not a bug, of Spanish democracy.
The connivance of the establishment Left (and, though less explicitly, the Right as well) with the long-term strengthening of separatism has been a feature, not a bug, of Spanish democracy.
He referred to the dangers of the ‘deep state’ and the political complicity of intelligence and law enforcement that led to the search of his home in Mar-a-Lago.
“We must respond by taking to the street so that this government of treason and ruin falls,” said VOX party leader Abascal.
It was with Kublai Khan that the Mongol experiment would find its highest expression. He neither replaced nor remained apart from Chinese culture; he made it the center of his political project and offered China a national state.
The lower house of the German parliament votes to cut EU payments to Hungary over rule of law reforms.
The creation of a monolingual Catalonia is central to the separatist project, albeit thoroughly out of step with the region’s history.
The enemy advocates for a borderless world, free of family loyalty, religion, identity—anything that might obstruct a pliable global marketplace.
Discussions about COVID-19, vaccine efficacy, racial issues, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, and involvement in Ukraine were targeted.
A realm grotesquely mimicking our own; a vale of psychic parasitism just beneath the surface. We consider the meaning of uncanny inversion in horror stories.
The chief inspector for the Central Police Station in the city of Valencia, Ricardo Ferris, has been fired after publicly stating that “practically all street crime is committed by illegal immigrants.”