Clash Between Turkish and Greek Fighter Jets
According to Greece, defense action was necessary to repel the presence of unannounced Turkish fighters near the island of Rhodes.
According to Greece, defense action was necessary to repel the presence of unannounced Turkish fighters near the island of Rhodes.
Nearly 550 Colombian children and teenagers have been forcibly recruited by armed groups since September 2016.
Morocco and Tunisia recall ambassadors following Tunisian invitation to Western Saharan leader Brahim Ghal.
The Bible recommends that kings be anointed after the conquest of their realm. Institutions are not to be founded in the throes of a crisis, which would result in their legitimising themselves through that crisis and so perpetuating it.
We are addicted to snarky commentary and the daily-churning of vacuous novelty. We won’t really be champions of anything like ‘tradition’ so long as we remain mired in these postmodern poisons.
Legislative impediments to building and repairing churches in Egypt exist within a general climate of increasing violence against Copts.
Franco-Algerian relations have been tense, with Macron’s geopolitical ambitions finding themselves inhibited in this theatre.
“As president of Colombia I request that the sword of Bolivar be brought out,” declared Petro. Attendees stood. The king of Spain remained seated.
The two countries had recalled their ambassadors in 2018, after Israeli forces killed several Palestinians protesting against the U.S. moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Bolsonaro has begun his campaign by returning to the city where he was stabbed in 2018.