Violence Against Politicians, Violence Against Populations
Why should belonging to the majority ethnic group of a given place be a disadvantage?
Why should belonging to the majority ethnic group of a given place be a disadvantage?
“The convergence of criminal and political leaders, transnational organized crime, and international terrorism is overpowering both public and private sectors in several countries in Latin America.”
When the Japanese arrived in Hawaii, they had no problem identifying the local kami, or ‘spirits,’ of the nation. We explore the importance of national definition.
Tucker Carlson emphasized the global collision between democracy and oligarchy, and the situation in Spain as indicative of where things are going.
Spain’s mounting civic uprising now includes Civil Guard spokesmen from two different organizations challenging the Sánchez government.
For those anchored in Christian tradition, Vattimo’s postmodernism is interesting for claiming to share this anchor, even as it sails into perilous waters.
Reports of a Christian satyr coming to St. Anthony for guidance tell us something about Halloween—about the ‘fairy-folk’ and those fiends whose form may yet be redeemed.
VOX’s Jorge Buxade argued that the state cannot exercise a power not expressly recognized by law.
A look at three representatives of Spanish conservatism: Donoso Cortés, Ramiro de Maeztu, and Elias de Tejada.
The result has been celebrated as a defeat for the Left.