Police Release Activists Who Brought Berlin to “Standstill”
Video footage shared online shows frustrated citizens leaving their stationary vehicles and dragging the protesters to the road sides.
Video footage shared online shows frustrated citizens leaving their stationary vehicles and dragging the protesters to the road sides.
The green banner of environmentalism rightfully belongs to those who resist the ideology of entropy, the global breakdown of every function and form, from borders to genders.
The greenness of youth used to be viewed as a character defect, to be ironed out over time, on the basic human principle that, with experience, comes wisdom.
The well-organised financial network behind the seemingly haphazard and sporadic activism is shocking even to politicians.
The environmentalist’s claim that man is nature’s enemy undermines any reason to steward it in the first place. To care for something, one must love it; one must feel that it belongs to them and them to it.
The Aachen police denied any staging, but also any arrest: Greta Thunberg was only subjected to an identity check before being transported by bus out of the danger zone.
For there to be blasphemy there needs to be religion and, in this case, I am referring to the religions of identity politics and climate-change activism. These are not merely religions, however; they are the religions of fanatics.
Greenpeace openly supports the ‘climate actions,’ pays the lawyers’ bills, and provides space, materials, and know-how. Direct funding comes from the US-based Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), which has already spent $5 million this year.
Following the death of a cyclist in a traffic accident in Berlin, during which ambulances were held up by climate activists, the CDU has called for stricter punishment for activists.
Climate activist Luisa Neubauer promoted her new book by claiming that she didn’t feel safe at the Frankfurt book fair in the presence of right-wing publishers. An invitation by Junge Freiheit to participate in a discussion was, however, left unanswered.