France Is Trapped in the “Night of the Living Dead”
No matter how people vote, it seems every election brings back to power the same politicians who have been stubbornly ruining the country.
No matter how people vote, it seems every election brings back to power the same politicians who have been stubbornly ruining the country.
Mainstream parties are threatening to ban the AfD for adhering to parliamentary rules.
Experts warn introducing same-sex marriage would be unconstitutional.
President Biden’s proposed amendment is just the opening salvo of a campaign against the U.S. Constitution itself.
Both EU law and the Spanish Constitution may provide significant hurdles for Catalan separatists hoping to avoid prosecution.
While the freedom to have an abortion is now guaranteed by the Constitution, the freedom of the health care provider not to carry out an abortion is not.
Bill also struck down proposed conscience clause for doctors.
France is preparing to give itself a “constitution contrary to life,” the Vatican’s official news outlet said.
Gérard Larcher declared that “the Constitution is not a catalogue of social and societal rights.”
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is facing continued opposition to granting Catalan separatists amnesty.