Marine Le Pen Preparing for Early Presidential Election
Although Macron still has over two years left in office, in reality, he is no longer in power, the RN leader believes.
Although Macron still has over two years left in office, in reality, he is no longer in power, the RN leader believes.
While President Macron is busy trying to cling to power, the ECB is helping France down the path of economic self-destruction.
He will certainly do what he does best: nothing.
While Macron is still negotiating, Le Pen’s Rassemblement National appears stronger than ever, claiming to be the sole opponent of the system.
Macron faces growing criticism for excluding the Rassemblement National from talks.
The national Right’s censure of Barnier’s budget is not an irresponsible whim. It is the logical sanction of a bankrupt policy obstinately pursued by corrupt ruling elites for 50 years.
Commission President accused of capitalizing on France’s government crisis to push unwanted free trade agreement.
France is still on the brink of bankruptcy, but Barnier’s budget wouldn’t have changed the game.
It will be his first international trip since winning the U.S. presidential election on November 5th.
The RN blames the president for the present political crisis.